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Climate change protests

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2 hours ago, tinfoilhat said:


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  7 hours ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

Allow these  'Extinction Rebellion' creatures to protest legally as is their right. Stop these  'Extinction Rebellion' creatures blocking roads and disrupting ordinary folk going about their day to day lives. Send in the water cannon with indelible dye and spray these clowns, then arrest any who remain and have dye on them as proof they were committing an offence.  Only one problem, we sold the water cannon  off if I remember correctly, so that scuppers that idea then.



The absolute state of you.




So I take it you are in agreement with these lunatics blocking access for the emergency services. I genuinely hope non of your family members will ever be in danger because these creatures have blocked access to the emergency services getting to their aid.


The absolute state of you. 



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Be honest, in 100 years time, with all the nightmare climate consequences those people are going to be dealing with, is arresting people who were trying to stop it going to seem like the right thing to have done in hindsight?


Of course it isn't.

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44 minutes ago, TeaFan said:

Be honest, in 100 years time, with all the nightmare climate consequences those people are going to be dealing with, is arresting people who were trying to stop it going to seem like the right thing to have done in hindsight?


Of course it isn't.

Give us a clue how they are going to stop the climate from changing.

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7 hours ago, Car Boot said:

The overwhelmingly white, non-diverse affluent middle-class and extremely wealthy supporters and activists of Extinction Rebellion also feed into a racist narrative of the 'white saviour' - wealthy white people saving the planet. Hurrah! The rich white people are here to save us!

You are top comedy value tonight! 😂🤣😂👍

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2 hours ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

So I take it you are in agreement with these lunatics blocking access for the emergency services. I genuinely hope non of your family members will ever be in danger because these creatures have blocked access to the emergency services getting to their aid.


The absolute state of you. 



Do you know if emergency services have been blocked or inconvenienced? Do you think your brexit thugs give tupenny **** when they’re holding up traffic? Do you think your grandkids will thank your generations inaction when climate change really starts to bite? It won’t discriminate by the way, climate change.


And “creatures”, good god, believe it or not they’re trying to help you out. But it’s based on science and fact so it won’t mean much to you.

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1 hour ago, Top Cats Hat said:

You are top comedy value tonight! 😂🤣😂👍

According to Metropolitan police statistics, 9 out of 10 of the 1,100 activists arrested in Extinction Rebellion's April protests in London were white. In London 4 out of 10 people living there are non-white. 


Extinction Rebellion groups frequently meet in pubs, alienating those who don't want to be around alcohol. Activists have faith in the state and the police in particular to treat them fairly when arrested - a belief that many black and minority ethnic people do not share. Extinction Rebellion posted this on Twitter:


"People of colour are more harshly impacted by a police society and the judicial system and so it is the role of white people to stand up for them and take the lead". Extinction Rebellion view themselves as white saviours who are going to save the planet, this is a fact. 

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“Extraction of the Alberta tar sands has been happening for 50 years. So when you talk about it as some future situation it means that the responsiveness to climate catastrophes and events isn’t even thought of as part of consciousness work. It’s all about white middle-class people protesting about something that might happen.”


Suzanne Dhaliwal, UK Tar Sands Network , which highlights the struggles of indigenous people in Canada.

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9 hours ago, retep said:

Give us a clue how they are going to stop the climate from changing.

They're not, nothing can stop it. It's going to change, and it's going to be bad.


But right now, we have a choice. We can choose between 'bad' , or 'catastrophic'.


We all know what we have to do, and mostly, this needs action at a national and global level.



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just watching the news this morning and looking at the Climate change protesters swap the badges back to the 70,s and they could all be CND hippys what a waste of peoples time and money,  police cost for the last protest 7.5 million pounds well done rebellion extinction!!

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