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Climate change protests

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6 minutes ago, ads36 said:


1. We're responsible, you, me, them, everybody. I'm not asking you to change your lifestyle. I'm asking our government to make sure we *all* change our lifestyles.


2. That's the only way it'll work.

I think completely different, and I've said the same for years, but it's not popular because people prefer to attack governments.


I said same about tax dodging companies - stop moaning - and start not using. People don't though, so this is why 1. we're responsible fails with protesters/activists.


Even this newest young lass who now has a platform, is wasting it, by spouting out the same old crap. Anti-capitalist, anti-government etc.


If she used her platform better (IMO of course) - then she might actually change the world.


If this was her speech, but written better of course, then I think she would make a difference.

''World, I'm talking to the young only. Stuff the old, they'll be dead soon.


We can change the world!


1. Start by telling your parents, you don't want to go abroad for holidays if it means flying.

2. Look at where all your clothes were made. Get a map, and set a limit. anything more than 500 miles, is out for future purchases.

3. Look at the food you buy. If it's seasonal to us, but we want it anyway? tough! see above for ranges. Our ancestors have lived on seasonal food for thousands of years.

4. If you like looking for solutions for tomorrow, then study in sciences / computers / etc etc. blah blah
5. Try and eat local food

6. Cycle more than getting lifts - with todays tech, you can probably live feed it to parents if they are too soft

7. Don't buy a new phone every week

8. Read books on logical debate - list a few.

9. Turn things off, don't waste water.

10. If you can, and have a garden, grow a product. Get community to all do the same and exchange with each other.



I could go on. But if she came out with this, I would think she could potentially have a much better chance to change the world. As long as the kids know that this is the solution, as the older generation are too embedded into this nasty ole world.



She won't though. Just rant rant rant.




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3 minutes ago, *_ash_* said:

I think completely different, and I've said the same for years, but it's not popular because people prefer to attack governments.


I said same about tax dodging companies - stop moaning - and start not using. People don't though, so this is why 1. we're responsible fails with protesters/activists.


Even this newest young lass who now has a platform, is wasting it, by spouting out the same old crap. Anti-capitalist, anti-government etc.


If she used her platform better (IMO of course) - then she might actually change the world.


If this was her speech, but written better of course, then I think she would make a difference.

''World, I'm talking to the young only. Stuff the old, they'll be dead soon.


We can change the world!


1. Start by telling your parents, you don't want to go abroad for holidays if it means flying.

2. Look at where all your clothes were made. Get a map, and set a limit. anything more than 500 miles, is out for future purchases.

3. Look at the food you buy. If it's seasonal to us, but we want it anyway? tough! see above for ranges. Our ancestors have lived on seasonal food for thousands of years.

4. If you like looking for solutions for tomorrow, then study in sciences / computers / etc etc. blah blah
5. Try and eat local food

6. Cycle more than getting lifts - with todays tech, you can probably live feed it to parents if they are too soft

7. Don't buy a new phone every week

8. Read books on logical debate - list a few.

9. Turn things off, don't waste water.

10. If you can, and have a garden, grow a product. Get community to all do the same and exchange with each other.



I could go on. But if she came out with this, I would think she could potentially have a much better chance to change the world. As long as the kids know that this is the solution, as the older generation are too embedded into this nasty ole world.



She won't though. Just rant rant rant.




I agree with most of your post - and I’d wager if you went through gretas statements she might say the same, she’d definitely agree with you, the fact she decided to go to states by boat illustrates that.


But, as I’ve said before, it’s asking a bit much for a 16 year old to come up with global policy. Shes just asking the grown ups to get their finger out!

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4 minutes ago, *_ash_* said:


1. Start by telling your parents, you don't want to go abroad for holidays if it means flying.

2. Look at where all your clothes were made. Get a map, and set a limit. anything more than 500 miles, is out for future purchases.

3. Look at the food you buy. If it's seasonal to us, but we want it anyway? tough! see above for ranges. Our ancestors have lived on seasonal food for thousands of years.

4. If you like looking for solutions for tomorrow, then study in sciences / computers / etc etc. blah blah
5. Try and eat local food

6. Cycle more than getting lifts - with todays tech, you can probably live feed it to parents if they are too soft

7. Don't buy a new phone every week

8. Read books on logical debate - list a few.

9. Turn things off, don't waste water.

10. If you can, and have a garden, grow a product. Get community to all do the same and exchange with each other.






obviously this list is a bit simplistic, and not much detail, but the messages are there.


If these young people acted, then the BIG BOYS would have to react. They know they won't have to though, because people aren't bothered when it comes down to it.


Imagine for example this scenario...


If you hate McDonalds, and don't like their practices but ok to eat the food, then would you allow 'the kids' to eat there, if for example this happened to some local McDonalds:


McDonalds 1 - a normal store like now

McDonalds 2 - one with a sign outside that says all our Milk comes from local farms, and so does the meat. You can go up to Stannington and see how well they are looked after.


Which would you choose?



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4 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

I agree with most of your post - and I’d wager if you went through gretas statements she might say the same, she’d definitely agree with you, the fact she decided to go to states by boat illustrates that.


But, as I’ve said before, it’s asking a bit much for a 16 year old to come up with global policy. Shes just asking the grown ups to get their finger out!

And this is the problem.  Grown ups won't change. Her [and not just her, almost all far left or right wing wing propaganda] just looks to attack something rather than a solution that might actually work. I never see anyone suggesting what I suggest. If you watched QT last night, it was a good example.


I know what people will say in here, because most members are of the view that to reform something means the government has to do something. I don't trust them. They make rash decisions that affect people who shouldn't be affected.




Either way, she's been put in huge danger IMO. I don't know who is influencing it, but she must be ******* a lot of people off.




Obviously economics is important. If she suggested my list, then millions of foreigners in sweatshops would have less than the nothing they have now, so there's no easy answer. However, the plus side is that local economies pick up by less use of shipping food. And my community idea would mean that people would look forward to seasonal fruit etc. Now the manderins in my fridge say Argentina on them. They were about a pound. What's the carbon footprint on that?!







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Are 'Extinction Rebellion' activists being paid up to £400 each week, tax free, to disrupt worker's lives?


Capitalists with deep pockets are funding this non diverse white middle class attack on working class diversity...

Edited by Car Boot
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3 hours ago, Car Boot said:

Are 'Extinction Rebellion' activists being paid up to £400 each week, tax free, to disrupt worker's lives?


Capitalists with deep pockets are funding this non diverse white middle class attack on working class diversity...

£400 a week? I wouldn’t get out of bed for that.


I imagine that ER activists are all getting at least £10 000 per month, plus expenses, plus a Harley Davidson and a free baby white rhino each.


Otherwise, what’s the point?

Edited by Pettytom
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the people organising this/these protests will be working full time. £400/week is more or less the national average.


I suspect it's less, when you consider that people on an average salary will also be accumulating pension contributions. i'll eat my hat if there's an extinction-rebellion pension plan!


so, less than average 'salary' for organising a successful national campaign... what's the problem again?


for a lefty, our comrade mr boot does seem to get an awful lot of his outrage straight off the front page of the daily mail...



if they're only in it for the money, then oil-funded science denial is much more profitable.

Edited by ads36
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On 14/10/2019 at 09:21, ads36 said:

the people organising this/these protests will be working full time. £400/week is more or less the national average.


I suspect it's less, when you consider that people on an average salary will also be accumulating pension contributions. i'll eat my hat if there's an extinction-rebellion pension plan!


so, less than average 'salary' for organising a successful national campaign... what's the problem again?


for a lefty, our comrade mr boot does seem to get an awful lot of his outrage straight off the front page of the daily mail...



if they're only in it for the money, then oil-funded science denial is much more profitable.

Actually, I got the information on payments from the XR website:


"Extinction Rebellion has grown very quickly and there are large numbers of people who want to give their time for free because they realise the urgency of the situation. We even have individuals who have given up their paid jobs in order to work for Extinction Rebellion.

However, this is not possible for many and so are experimenting with a system where we give money to vital members of the team who require assistance to pay living expenses like rent and bills."


Extinction Rebellion FAQs

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4 hours ago, Car Boot said:

Actually, I got the information on payments from the XR website:


"Extinction Rebellion has grown very quickly and there are large numbers of people who want to give their time for free because they realise the urgency of the situation. We even have individuals who have given up their paid jobs in order to work for Extinction Rebellion.

However, this is not possible for many and so are experimenting with a system where we give money to vital members of the team who require assistance to pay living expenses like rent and bills."


Extinction Rebellion FAQs

I think it's really funny that you're so horrified and terrified by all this stuff. I bet Greta Thunberg makes you feel so small and insecure.

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