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Climate change protests

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1 hour ago, Anna B said:

No, it isn't. This is just a populist sound bite put about by those with an agenda, to end discussion.


There are lots of ways both small and large that can improve the situation.

Sure they will involve changes that won't suit everyone, but then nothing ever does.


People can make difference at a smaller, local level - look at how recycling has taken off these last few years, and they can be persuaded to make other beneficial changes to the wasteful way we live, but the big ticket items have to start with governments persuading big business to change their ways of working. They could start with packaging, and materials that biodegrade. 


Far from returning to the stone age, technology has a huge role to play in bringing about new ideas, inventions, and ways of creating sustainable power that will serve us all.

Surely that's what has caused the climate change ( if you believe in it )?

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9 minutes ago, retep said:

Surely that's what has caused the climate change ( if you believe in it )?

Not modern tech though. We are well on the way to clean transport and clean energy. Old tech certainly caused the problem, we need to replace it with better


There’s no need to believe in it, just look at the scientific evidence 

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8 minutes ago, Pettytom said:

Not modern tech though. We are well on the way to clean transport and clean energy. Old tech certainly caused the problem, we need to replace it with better


There’s no need to believe in it, just look at the scientific evidence 


"China Wrestles with the Toxic Aftermath of Rare Earth Mining"



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40 minutes ago, retep said:


"China Wrestles with the Toxic Aftermath of Rare Earth Mining"



Not sure what this has to do with climate change, but the consequences of the careless mining of all sorts of things have been known about for decades and have been the trigger for reams of legislation designed to minimise and undo these effects.


China (and other jurisdictions) could have used these experiences and done a better job. China is one of the few places which have the political structures where they could have done a better job before rather than after. For all sorts of reasons they chose not too which is a shame for everyone. 



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On 06/09/2020 at 18:46, Car Boot said:

What we have seen in the last year is the very middle class, non diverse Extinction Rebellion becoming more and more radicalised and moving away from persuasion and lawful demonstration towards organised criminality which aims to spread fear and bring disruption to the lives of the working class. 

As a fully paid-up* member of the proletariat can I say how relieved I was that XR managed to shut down tax-dodging billionaire Rupert Murdoch's foul propaganda machine, even if only for a couple of hours.


*only joking, membership is free

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12 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

Very coincidental there is no mention of labour mouthpiece the Daily Mirror despite the fact its controlled by one of the biggest publishing corporations that also happens to own Daily Express, Daily Star, The Daily Record, OK magazine and just about every local rag you can think of.


Also note the dahling of the placard wavers The Guardian isnt mentioned too.  Oh yes it may well have some alleged "independent" trust owning it but said trust is controlled by a multi-millionaire TV and Media executive.  


I wonder why those publications avoided criticism and disruption by the morons. Could it perhaps be that they have the same political biases? 


So forgive me for not buying into ER's reasoning for their stunt.  


Is the message really about climate change or just a bunch of election losers trying to once again find a flimsy excuse to do a load of anti-Tory attacking.

Well when labour is in charge they’ll blockade the guardian and the mirror and the morning star if it’s still in print.

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On 06/09/2020 at 18:49, Pettytom said:

So, how should we bring about climate action?


It is clearly needed. If we aren’t allowed to upset billionaires , how should we do it?

According to Extinction Rebellion you have a choice - keep the lifestyle you enjoy, or save the planet.


It's as simple as that, according to ER.  

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 08/09/2020 at 07:18, Pettytom said:

That much is very clear. What do you intend to do first?

Well, if I were with Extinction Rebellion (which I'm not, because for a start I'm not a member of that exclusive club - the affluent white middle class) I would be calling for every UK democratically elected body to surrender their authority and decision making powers to Extinction Rebellion. EVERY decision making body - from local councils to the Westminster Parliament.


I would argue, as do Extinction Rebellion, that as climate change directly affects every single aspect of modern society, Extinction Rebellion MUST be given control over everything. It is of no concern that Extinction Rebellion could never win a democratic election at any level in the UK, they must take over the democratic decision making processes of the local authorities, directly elected regional assemblies and the UK government through installing their own Citizen's Assembly - which will, of course, be compliant with their wishes and will only make decisions that Extinction Rebellion approves.


The public must only be given democratic choices that are permitted under the safe direction of Extinction Rebellion. An Extinction Rebellion Citizens Assembly could never make any decisions that go against the environmental justice principles of the leadership of the movement (as may happen in a free and fair democratically elected chamber) because Citizens Assembly briefing materials, experts, and other presenters will be vetted and controlled by Extinction Rebellion.


Extinction Rebellion’s Third Demand is that government must create and be led by the decisions of a Citizens’ Assembly on climate and ecological justice. There can only be puppet governments, under the control of an Extinction Rebellion compliant Citizens Assembly, in the future.


But the first thing I would do is to attack the press as an enemy of the people and the revolution. Oh, wait...

Edited by Car Boot
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