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What the actual ..... (Breast ironing)

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When I first read this I thought ' fake news'.   Does this really happen? Madness.

10 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Because white English people never abuse their children! 🙄

Oh here we go,   why do you always have to be on a different wave length to normal people. 

And your answer will be on the lines of ' what do you class as normal? '

Your come back answers are all so very predictable. 

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It was on Victoria Derbyshire news show and that was the first time I have heard about it. One lady had difficulties trying to breast feed her baby after the procedure.

Some of these girls have had FGM and then their breasts ironed, it’s awful and it makes you wonder what other things they have to suffer.


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8 hours ago, Hots on said:

People like you are part of the problem.

Really? I'm pretty sure that TCH welcomes the efforts of Nicky Morgan and others to raise awareness and tackle the issue.

I think you'll find his comments about white English people never abusing their were a response to the 'another imported problem' from someone.

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