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Major contribuition to road safety and reducing aggressive driving.

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8 hours ago, L00b said:


So, better mitigate, and get hold of a decent classic (or eventually-to-be-classic) now. All things (finally) going well, picking up my new, resolutely un-PC car Thursday night, that will give Justin on here nightmares: 340 horses, every last one to the rear axle...and no EU-spec speed limiter :thumbsup::D


Do tell...:) I've got an 850CSi in France that is similarly poky and very un PC too...

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11 hours ago, DT Ralge said:

When they use terminology (“causes”) that does not come from the Stats19 form and then offer a simplistic analysis of what is a massively complex set of data based on a set of contributory factors for every single crash in the Stats19 reporting database, I allow myself doubt and concern, in particular, about their agenda behind their drawing up of their conclusions.

Fair point.

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11 hours ago, Obelix said:

Do tell...:) I've got an 850CSi in France that is similarly poky and very un PC too...

It’s got 4 doors, an angry cat for a badge at the front...and the F type’s engine 😋

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1 hour ago, Obelix said:

I do hope it's more reliable that the usual fare they offer.


I'm only slightly jealous. Honest :)

With older age comes wisdom (allegedly), so these days I prefer to keep the lairyness hidden under wraps of bourgeois respectability: gone and buried are the WRX days 😁


In the spirit of the thread, it’s less aggressive. And it tells me what the speed limit is at all times (GPS/metadata integrated into speedo screen on main cluster).

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4 hours ago, Fudbeer said:

I bet second hand values shoot up when its introduced on new cars!

Thus proving that there are a significant number of drivers out there who don`t think speed cameras are "revenue raising devices", even though they also want to speed. I wonder of any of them would be honest enough to admit that on here ?

I`ll bet there aren`t.

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Irrespective of the causes of accidents this BBC article from 2017 states that speed is the third most common causes of fatalities and accounts for a quarter of all deaths. Given that there were nearly 1,800 deaths last year anything which saves the lives of anybody must be worth considering.


The report also concludes that speed cameras have contributed to the continuing decline in road traffic fatalities.


10 charts that tell the story of Britain's roads.

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9 hours ago, Justin Smith said:

Thus proving that there are a significant number of drivers out there who don`t think speed cameras are "revenue raising devices", even though they also want to speed. I wonder of any of them would be honest enough to admit that on here ?

I`ll bet there aren`t.

In the real world away from the "I never do anything wrong" world of the forum I think the vast majority of people break the speed limit at some point.Particularly when they consider its safe to do so.

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2 hours ago, Fudbeer said:

In the real world away from the "I never do anything wrong" world of the forum I think the vast majority of people break the speed limit at some point.Particularly when they consider its safe to do so.

You`re very wrong to imply that "the vast majority of people break the speed limit", certainly if you mean deliberately break the speed limit as opposed to by accident. I suspect very strongly that most people DO NOT break the speed limit, unless by accident, and therefore would be very happy for a system to be introduced that prevented their errors.

But, whether a certain %age of drivers want to be able to break the speed limit or not is totally beside the point. It increases the risk to other road users (and pedestrians) and is illegal anyway, therefore anything which stops them doing that can only be a good thing.

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