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Electoral reform

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On 29/03/2019 at 15:33, Funky_Gibbon said:

After the dust settles on this mess two things need to happen. We need a judicial inquiry into everything behind the referendum, the electoral fraud and the actions of the Government over the past three years and we need to start the process, involving every political party, independent experts and the public, of writing a formal written constitution with binding rules on how the Executive are allowed to act and with oversight etc. Brexit has killed the credibility of our political system stone dead. No single party should ever be allowed to decide the future of everyone on things of this magnitude. They should be required to carry the support of a clear majority of all eligible voters in order to force them to compromise rather than use us all as party political playthings. It's time to leave behind the ancient traditions and nonsense and join the rest of the democratic world in the 21st century.

And our first past the post system with it, which enables the two major parties to run the show and means we get this waste of time, effort and money, pendelum politics.


And abolishing the house of lords to replace it with a second elected chamber where people with no affiliations to parties reside.   

Edited by Lex Luthor
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On 29/03/2019 at 22:43, Anna B said:

It's a new party in as much as he has changed the direction of the party, because he recognised that a large demographic that traditionally supported Labour had no representation, and hadn't had representation for a long time.

I think he's shown tremendous leadership to achieve this in the face of such fierce opposition.


He's also shown leadership over Brexit, but it hasn't been covered in the media, or it has been misrepresented. How often have minor members or Blairites been wheeled out (even Blair himself) to pontificate on Brexit and often have a sly dig at Corbyn who hasn't been invited to defend himself or get a word in. Brexit is complex, he does complex answers not catchy soundbites.


He's been returned as the member for Islington for 30 years. It has an interesting mix of people, both multicultural and fiscally diverse, not the easiest mix to juggle, so he must be doing something right. Why would they want to vote him out?

He's supposed to have been the party leader, he shouldn't need an invitation to lead. 

On 29/03/2019 at 22:56, RiffRaff said:

It seems obvious to me that the referendum was given to Joe Public because there would/could be only one outcome... it never occurred that we would have the timerity/audacity to vote for anything other than "remain".
Almost three years later, farce after farce, the bunch of charlatans and cheats have managed to derail a democratic vote, pretending concern for "the country" by using every trick in the book and then some.
I call them charlatans and cheats, because that's exactly what they are.


Nail head hit. 

Edited by Lex Luthor
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For some it's a moral/religious issue, for some it's an issue of basic human rights. 


The main concern is that the BBC seem to want to stifle any debate on the issue, now insisting the question should have never been allowed on air.  The BBC is becoming less liberal by the day. 

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7 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Jesus Christ, there are people all over the world who would love to have a say in how their country was run and what do we have? People having hissy fits because the system isn't perfect.


For goodness sake, get a grip!

jesus christ there were people who voted to have a say in how their country was run away from the eu and what do we have ? people having hissy fits wanting more votes until they get the answer the want . for goodness sake get a grip:wink:

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3 hours ago, ricgem2002 said:

jesus christ there were people who voted to have a say in how their country was run away from the eu and what do we have ? people having hissy fits wanting more votes until they get the answer the want . for goodness sake get a grip:wink:

Not a fan of democracy then? 🙄

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13 hours ago, tinfoilhat said:

Then agree to change. He had the opportunity to go into an emergency meeting grab hold of the situation. He's had all sorts of possibilities- he's blown them all. What he's managed to do is absolutely nothing.


But yes, if parliament had been doing it's job, why not be in the situation we're in. He's been in parliament for 30 odd years. Sorry jezza, it's not working. It's not us, it's you and your mates. I want 650 new faces. No exceptions.

I will agree to that 100%.



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12 hours ago, RiffRaff said:

I had my polling card for the local 2nd May election delivered this morning.

I can't help but feel that I'm going to bin it.

Mine is already in the bin and so will be the one for the general election. Democracy for me in this country is finished.

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17 minutes ago, Kidorry said:

Mine is already in the bin and so will be the one for the general election. Democracy for me in this country is finished.

isn't that just a little bit silly  and it doesn't matter anyway because you can still vote even if you dont take your card. 


the fact that you can choose not to vote or spoil your paper and suffer no consequences is proof that democracy is as alive as it ever was, 


14 hours ago, tinfoilhat said:

I want 650 new faces. No exceptions.



there is no guarantee that the new faces will be any better than the old ones and some of the old ones are actually quite effective 

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7 hours ago, Lex Luthor said:

He's supposed to have been the party leader, he shouldn't need an invitation to lead. 

Nail head hit. 

He is leading, you're just not hearing about it.

I get a lot of stuff on my facebook feed (which I take it you don't get) to evidence this,  I often wonder why it's not on the mainstream media. He has had to fight all his campaigns on the internet because he's frozen out of mainstream coverage unless it's to show him in a negative light. 

And yes he does need to be invited onto TV programmes etc. He can't force himself on them. But they prefer to invite anyone but him, especially anti-Corbyn types, to pontificate. It's a deliberate strategy, and it obviously worked with you.  

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