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Electoral reform

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On 29/03/2019 at 15:33, Funky_Gibbon said:

After the dust settles on this mess two things need to happen. We need a judicial inquiry into everything behind the referendum, the electoral fraud and the actions of the Government over the past three years and we need to start the process, involving every political party, independent experts and the public, of writing a formal written constitution with binding rules on how the Executive are allowed to act and with oversight etc. Brexit has killed the credibility of our political system stone dead. No single party should ever be allowed to decide the future of everyone on things of this magnitude. They should be required to carry the support of a clear majority of all eligible voters in order to force them to compromise rather than use us all as party political playthings. It's time to leave behind the ancient traditions and nonsense and join the rest of the democratic world in the 21st century.

I agree with all of this, particularly the last sentence.

The idea that politicians are held to account simply by being voted out at elections no longer cuts the mustard. That's after the damage has been done (and they usually just sail into another high paid job or directorship.) 

We do ndeed need an enquiry, a constitution, and an overhaul of the system.  

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1 hour ago, andyofborg said:

isn't that just a little bit silly  and it doesn't matter anyway because you can still vote even if you dont take your card. 


the fact that you can choose not to vote or spoil your paper and suffer no consequences is proof that democracy is as alive as it ever was, 




there is no guarantee that the new faces will be any better than the old ones and some of the old ones are actually quite effective 

It will be a slap in the face from those who they ignored, and a reminder to the next lot.

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3 hours ago, andyofborg said:

isn't that just a little bit silly  and it doesn't matter anyway because you can still vote even if you dont take your card. 


the fact that you can choose not to vote or spoil your paper and suffer no consequences is proof that democracy is as alive as it ever was, 




there is no guarantee that the new faces will be any better than the old ones and some of the old ones are actually quite effective 

Well clearly they aren't that effective. The country needs radical change, and they sure as hell won't do it themselves. "Oh but MP for such and such is very good, they've been my MP for years and once helped me with my bins" is exactly the reason corbyn ended up in charge. 


The first order of business now for all of them at the moment is either clinging on to the job they've got or getting a better one. The country is way down their list of priorities - regardless of how you voted in the referendum or last election.

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20 hours ago, tinfoilhat said:

Then agree to change. He had the opportunity to go into an emergency meeting grab hold of the situation. He's had all sorts of possibilities- he's blown them all. What he's managed to do is absolutely nothing.


But yes, if parliament had been doing it's job, why not be in the situation we're in. He's been in parliament for 30 odd years. Sorry jezza, it's not working. It's not us, it's you and your mates. I want 650 new faces. No exceptions.

here you go tfh  https://www.renewparty.org.uk/team these should be right up your street :thumbsup:

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2 hours ago, hackey lad said:

Sorry  . When you said Theresa May was on tv programmes every day , I didn't realise footage of her leaving church was classed as  that

Keeps her in the spotlight even if she's not doing anything important. Fair enough, she's PM. 

Jeremy Corbyn on the other hand is doing important stuff, but it never gets a mention.  People are being encouraged to think he's not doing anything, but that's simply not true. 

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