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LGBT issues and morality

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7 hours ago, RootsBooster said:

...or maybe the new testament

When did he say that?

It's all nonsense of course, and at best was written several hundred years after someone called Christ possibly lived and died.  But anyway.

Romans 14


You, then, why do you judge your brother or sister ? Or why do you treat them with contempt? For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat. 
11 It is written: “ ‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God.’ ” 
12 So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God. 
13 Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister. 
14 I am convinced, being fully persuaded in the Lord Jesus, that nothing is unclean in itself.




Supposedly Christianity is big on forgiveness and acceptance, except when it's being big on bigotry, sexism and judging.

3 hours ago, RootsBooster said:

You might want to remind the many various gods of that. They haven't changed their stance, so far as anyone knows.

Can an imaginary friend in the sky be said to have a stance?

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13 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Pointing out inconsistencies in a religion isn’t ‘bashing’ it, is called free thinking.

Atheist proselytising more like. 


Some of the most homophobic bigots I've ever met have been atheists. 

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26 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Pointing out inconsistencies in a religion isn’t ‘bashing’ it, is called free thinking.

Conveniently forgetting that it's not the topic of discussion regardless

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On 30/05/2019 at 18:56, Mister M said:

Sorry if I came across shouty. You're correct, parents should inculcate basic values into their children.


Meanwhile. this makes for interesting reading....


Esther McVey has always voted against gay issues or was absent. She was against same sex marriage.

On 5 Mar 2014:
Esther McVey voted against enabling the courts to deal with proceedings for the divorce of, or annulment of the marriage of, a same sex couple.
On 5 Mar 2014:
Esther McVey voted against making same sex marriage available to armed forces personnel outside the UK.
On 21 May 2013:
Esther McVey voted against allowing same sex couples to marry.
On 5 Feb 2013:
Esther McVey voted against allowing same sex couples to marry.





Cannot abide this woman, she is a complete twonkess. But whatever has happened to " I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It ".  Has this saying now been consigned to History, never to be mentioned again?. Do we all have to think and say the same in 2019.



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2 hours ago, Delayed said:

Conveniently forgetting that it's not the topic of discussion regardless

One of the main root causes of homophobia is religion. Even when religion becomes less prominent, its legacy & influence permeates through national and regional cultures.

1 hour ago, WiseOwl182 said:

Christianity is an easy target to pick on. There are other religions too.

Absolutely, see post #157

Edited by RootsBooster
Added a bit
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