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LGBT issues and morality

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4 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Unfortunately I stopped watching Panorama a while ago when it did what World in Action did, which was to turn from award-winning investigative reporting to sensationalist tabloid journalism.


Sadly, even Channel Four’s Dispatches is going that way. BBC’s Newsnight and Channel Four News are the only programmes left where I can expect rigourous journalism as well as the occasional Russia Today investigation but only  as long as the subject is not Russia, when RT just morphs into Putin’s Daily Mail or Tump’s Fox News.

top bold, it's the TV version of newspaper rags. Loaded , uninformative and each one is biased towards something.


However, watch this one on catch up Top cat.


Must admit though, I was annoyed to see teachers upwardly inflecting lots of sentences. Show where the kids get it from. Then in class... it showed them asking a question to the class, and didn't upwardly inflect it?!




Dispatches started off ok, but is a complete rag now. If I was forced to watch pan or dis, I would toss a coin to see which I have to put up with :hihi:





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26 minutes ago, JamesR123 said:

and use homophobic slurs on a family forum.

Surely even you must see the irony of complaining that a post outlining exactly at what age young kids are exposed to homophobic terms is using a homophobic slur on a family forum! 🤣😂🤣

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12 minutes ago, JamesR123 said:

You mean the religious books?  


Why do you think that?


It is also actually irrelevant.

The books that the kids are reading aren't religious books.


They are designed to reflect the world that they will enter as adults. It's nonsense to try and make people think that everyone is the same in this country, because they aren't.


So the books reflect things like they will encounter 2 mummies, 2 daddies, 1 mummy and no daddy, 1 daddy and no mummy, 1 black mummy 1 white daddy, etc. Same with religions.


Whether integration will ever happen is another story, but might as well start young to get people to get along.



Edited by *_ash_*
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39 minutes ago, *_ash_* said:

Funnily enough, I always accuse Panorama as being way too lefty BBC style. And as such don't record it, even though it's in the scope of what I usually record (Dispatches is in same category, neither are on record)


But the last 2 episodes really have had a big dig the other way.


The Labour anti-semitism one I watched with pinch of salt. I answered this question years ago.,,


however this was a real eye-opener. I don't watch news anymore, so hadn't heard the views of these protesters.


What the ****?!


So many ironies that would be a show in itself.


Just to pick 3 out:

1. We don't want our kids indoctrinated!! (are you having a bleedin laugh?!)

2. ''What do I say to my child when they come home and ask why they don't have 2 mummies?'' (how do they answer other questions from school? After a school trip to the park to see animals, ... 'Mummy, why am I not a swan?'

3. They might turn gay... well they are taught religious studies aren't they? Shouldn't that be stamped out, as they might come home and say they are turning into X religion?


utterly bizarre, this was.


Look at the books...


Minnie mousey has 2 mumsies - type thing

The way they were going on, you'd think it was Anal Alan, smashed Steve's back doors in.




'We'll teach them at home' - we'll do it then! See how far they get in life.





I gave the whole programme a miss. I find this situation way to depressing as it is but your breakdown of the Panorama episode made me think perhaps I was being a little too hasty in not watching it. I might have to watch it on catchup

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18 minutes ago, WiseOwl182 said:

The really fascinating dimension to it is how it must eat up the left to their very core. Gay rights Vs religious rights and multiculturalism.

You actually have it the wrong way round.


The left generally oppose all religions as well as homophobia so don’t have a problem here (check out the film of Jess Phillips speaking with the protesters.)


The right on the other hand, generally hate Islam, tend not to like non-white people but actually agree with the protesters’ homophobia/parental rights arguments.

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2 minutes ago, Waj said:

I gave the whole programme a miss. I find this situation way to depressing as it is but your breakdown of the Panorama episode made me think perhaps I was being a little too hasty in not watching it. I might have to watch it on catchup

Honestly Waj, I don't watch this crap normally.


I think it's worth a watch though. People go on about the far right being nasty people, but all I saw in this was nasty people, and none would describe themselves as far right, that I could see.


It was a few muslims who built up a feud against a school. The women in it were just doing what they were told, it was obvious. Kids will do what they're told whether christian/muslim/jewish/atheist, so all their banners I instantly removed from my influence.



I thought the bit where the head teacher said he was sat at his desk and the kids in the yard were 'calling him to go' was dreadful abuse of children's ignorance by some parents. But of course kids will join in.


The catholic group on it, were terrible I thought.


All the people 'looked' like decent people too, until they opened their mouths.



3 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

You actually have it the wrong way round.


The left generally oppose all religions as well as homophobia so don’t have a problem here (check out the film of Jess Phillips speaking with the protesters.)


The right on the other hand, generally hate Islam, tend not to like non-white people but actually agree with the protesters’ homophobia/parental rights arguments.

with respect, this is utter crap Topcat.

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15 minutes ago, Robin-H said:

Some people believe that the earth is flat. Should basic science not be taught in schools either? 


I don't believe that the earth is flat.  We both  believe (somewhat strongly) that the earth is round.


I would not want the earth being flat to be taught in schools. 

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6 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

You actually have it the wrong way round.


The left generally oppose all religions as well as homophobia so don’t have a problem here (check out the film of Jess Phillips speaking with the protesters.)


The right on the other hand, generally hate Islam, tend not to like non-white people but actually agree with the protesters’ homophobia/parental rights arguments.

You're delusional. The left may oppose Christianity but certainly not Islam. The problem is when the minorities they champion contradict one another, who do they support? That's what eats them up inside.

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11 minutes ago, *_ash_* said:

The books that the kids are reading aren't religious books.


They are designed to reflect the world that they will enter as adults. It's nonsense to try and make people think that everyone is the same in this country, because they aren't.


So the books reflect things like they will encounter 2 mummies, 2 daddies, 1 mummy and no daddy, 1 daddy and no mummy, 1 black mummy 1 white daddy, etc. Same with religions.


Whether integration will ever happen is another story, but might as well start young to get people to get along.



Ahh I see what you mean. 


However you didn't partake in my little thought experiment.


Imagine you hook line and sinker believe in one of the Abrahamic faiths.  You know that male on male homosexual sex is a sin, would you want your children to be taught about homosexual relationships (that often include sex).


It is a tough one.  I understand why the parents are complaining.  They have been hoodwinked into believing in a god that will punish homosexual intercourse with a fate unimaginable in its viciousness and cruelty.


If this teaching normalises homosexuality for their child, and thus makes it even 0.05 % more likely they will have homosexual sex in their lives, would you be happy?

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5 minutes ago, *_ash_* said:

with respect, this is utter crap Topcat.

Clearly not,


I don’t know anyone on the left who is in anyway homophobic. I know plenty on the right who are. I don’t know anyone on the left who is racist. I know plenty on the right who are.


The only conflict I can possibly see is with anti-Islam racists who actually agree with the protesters in opposition to the LGBT lessons. Those on the left have no problem on either issue.

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