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LGBT issues and morality

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32 minutes ago, K1Machine said:

Christ sake!!

Are you for real?? Im hoping youre just trolling. Are you or are you so backwards or so closeted that your mind has blown a fuse or something.

This is the guy who pretends that they believe that the earth is flat, vaccines are the work of the devil, and contrails are a government conspiracy to keep the population stupid (or something equally ridiculous). 


They are either trolling, or need to seek help. 

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12 hours ago, MAC33 said:



Just like a certain type of sex it is unnatural and dirty

So you're a homophobe and we can assume that any comments on this issue from you come from a position of bigotry.

Would have been easier if you'd just come out earlier and said that.

13 hours ago, MAC33 said:


I have never discriminated  even once against such people though I do not support it in any way,and yes I do believe it is immoral.

You're arguing right now that they shouldn't be depicted on TV and that you aren't in favour of children being taught about same sex families.

That's discrimination and something likely to result in further discrimination.

13 hours ago, MAC33 said:

People are allowed to believe homosexuality and changing genders via various means is immoral - it's called free will.


No explanation is needed.


Morality isn't just a matter of opinion either, so it looks like a lot of people think an explanation is required.

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13 hours ago, MAC33 said:

I watch all three.....religiously.


New York,LA and San Francisco.


Los Angels has two for sure, New York at least one,possibly two and then I watched SF last night for the first time and then I saw one of the male agents kissing his boyfriend.


Now you are welcome to call me a liar but facts are facts only because they are backed by evidence that is difficult to contradict - like taking the time to watch the shows.

I'm puzzled as to why you watch these programmes  if you are so anti gay.  Methinks thou doth  protest too much.

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13 hours ago, Mister M said:

Perhaps if you were better informed you'd have known that San Francisco has a massive gay population - so having a show set in SF that doesn't have gay characters would be highly unusual. 

Anyway if you find it 'unnatural and dirty' don't watch it! 

They always say 'those who shout the loudest have the most to hide'. I wonder what Mac33 is hiding???

Indeed we used to watch tales of the city back in the day, that's set in SF

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srael Folau is being investigated by Rugby Australia’s integrity unit after resuming his anti-gay tirade on social media, claiming “Hell awaits you” to anyone who identifies as homosexual in comments that have been labelled “unacceptable” by his employers.

Why do some of these sporting people, who are more in the public eye than the average man- go on social media to give their opinions or views. It does no good either way and I am sure long term just will  make their life more harder.



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