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who would last longer.... North vs South

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What a load of crock.  "Used to struggling to survive".


In the event of a full-scale disaster as described stop trying to make out that poorer people are some Bear Grylls in waiting just ready to get on with it.  Complete nonsense.


Even the poorest of the poor in this country don't know the meaning of the words.  The vast majority of those living on the so-called poverty line are living in purpose built properties with utilities at the touch of a button or the flick of a switch surrounded by mass produce consumer goods.  Despite their supposed pitiful incomes either through low level employment or government handouts these oh so street smart and poverty hardened people get into their private vehicles or use amply available public transport to stroll into a supermarket which provides a wealth of choice of fresh and preserve food that those REALLY in poverty could only dream of in their lifetime.  


Neither the north or the South would favour in the event of such disasters.

Which part of the country are you living is totally irrelevant.  After all there are plenty of poor parts down south too.


What is relevant, as has already been said, is how much someone already has and how much available money they have to rebuild and buy again.



Edited by ECCOnoob
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28 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

The vast majority of those living on the so-called poverty line are living in purpose built properties with utilities at the touch of a button or the flick of a switch surrounded by mass produce consumer goods.  



I'm sure those people living in some of the poorer parts of sub saharan Africa would be very happy to hear they have utilities at the touch of a button and are surrounded by consumer goods!



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