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Local election turnout

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I have just put myself up for election. Not in Sheffield, for an unpaid parish council.

It is disappointing how many people are saying that they won't vote. The May elections are local, not related to Brexit in any way.

Indeed, if you think our current lot of politicians are a nightmare, make sure you get out and vote in the local elections, because those elected on the 2nd May, could be our futures MPs.

I have to write my next leaflet now, any tips?

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13 minutes ago, El Cid said:

I have to write my next leaflet now, any tips?

First of all well done and secondly tips on how to write a leaflet or tips on policies?


If it is a parish council election I would suggest identifying the most pressing local issue and take a strong position on it.


What story gets most front page coverage in your local paper?

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Use pictures that include other people.

Don't be tempted to use turgid prose.

Don't mix fonts and text colours.

Make sure you include an imprint for legal reasons.

Ensure that you have sufficient white space.

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7 hours ago, El Cid said:

I have just put myself up for election. Not in Sheffield, for an unpaid parish council.

It is disappointing how many people are saying that they won't vote. The May elections are local, not related to Brexit in any way.

Indeed, if you think our current lot of politicians are a nightmare, make sure you get out and vote in the local elections, because those elected on the 2nd May, could be our futures MPs.

I have to write my next leaflet now, any tips?

My local Parish Council [Ecclesfield] is an absolute car crash. It comprises of labour, Lib-Dems and an independent group who just happen to be all ex UKIP members. Nothing gets done, these ex Kippers are just sad people who lack a social life. My next vote in local elections will be to ABOLISH the Parish Council. 

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8 hours ago, EUCLID11 said:

My local Parish Council [Ecclesfield] is an absolute car crash. It comprises of labour, Lib-Dems and an independent group who just happen to be all ex UKIP members. Nothing gets done, these ex Kippers are just sad people who lack a social life. My next vote in local elections will be to ABOLISH the Parish Council. 

The yearly charge for my parish council is £18.96 per council tax payer; yes it is questionable how much good they do. In my opinion, if you are not happy, get involved, you might waste £18.96 down the pub or on the car that is parked on your drive 24/7

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3 hours ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

If you wish to join the political classes I can only think of one thing that is certain to enhance your credibility. Learn to tell pork pies without changing your facial expressions, it's a sure fire winner.



I agree- or perhaps do what Top Cats Hat suggests and take a popular stance on an issue you don't believe in...it's great for virtue signalling, banks great short term political capital and will get you elected...then you can go back on it and claim that circumstances have changed (which is called plausible deniability)...


It also helps if you have a degree in PPE from Oxford, a track record as a researcher for an established politician and no discernible practical skills useful for society.

After all you will be a member of the management class, not the people who keep this country working.


Reading a little Animal Farm also helps...


In the current climate, I think you would be more popular moving into benefit fraud or fly tipping...


People want honesty, integrity and transparency these days in their politicians and only a handful deliver on that...


Please do not turn up on my doorstep unless you can look me in the eye and give believable answers into:

Why you want that power?

In whose name you will be  exercising it?

How we get rid of you?


Even then, I will probably tell you to clear off until you believe in democracy again...

I believe most politicians despise the Demos (People) half of that word and only crave the Kratos (Power) side...to me that seems simple human nature.

Twas ever thus unfortunately...but now it is obvious to any who care to look at their political masters...


I fear this country will eventually reject Democracy...and politicians will have driven them to it, by denying them hope of change.



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5 hours ago, crazyhorse said:

I agree- or perhaps do what Top Cats Hat suggests and take a popular stance on an issue you don't believe in...it's great for virtue signalling, banks great short term political capital and will get you elected...then you can go back on it and claim that circumstances have changed (which is called plausible deniability)...


It also helps if you have a degree in PPE from Oxford, a track record as a researcher for an established politician and no discernible practical skills useful for society.

After all you will be a member of the management class, not the people who keep this country working.


Reading a little Animal Farm also helps...


In the current climate, I think you would be more popular moving into benefit fraud or fly tipping...


People want honesty, integrity and transparency these days in their politicians and only a handful deliver on that...


Please do not turn up on my doorstep unless you can look me in the eye and give believable answers into:

Why you want that power?

In whose name you will be  exercising it?

How we get rid of you?


Even then, I will probably tell you to clear off until you believe in democracy again...

I believe most politicians despise the Demos (People) half of that word and only crave the Kratos (Power) side...to me that seems simple human nature.

Twas ever thus unfortunately...but now it is obvious to any who care to look at their political masters...


I fear this country will eventually reject Democracy...and politicians will have driven them to it, by denying them hope of change.



Well, that knocks my meagre post into a cocked hat. Makes good reading, a good post.



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1 minute ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

Makes good reading, a good post.



The OP has said that despite all the disagreements and dissolution he is willing to stand for his local parish council and wants ideas.


crazyhorse just posts more of the same old cynical ‘a curse on all their houses’ stuff that stops people getting involved in politics in the first place.

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5 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:



The OP has said that despite all the disagreements and dissolution he is willing to stand for his local parish council and wants ideas.


crazyhorse just posts more of the same old cynical ‘a curse on all their houses’ stuff that stops people getting involved in politics in the first place.

I think it was a good post, sorry to have a different opinion than yours. Have a nice evening.



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