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Local election turnout

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14 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:



The OP has said that despite all the disagreements and dissolution he is willing to stand for his local parish council and wants ideas.


crazyhorse just posts more of the same old cynical ‘a curse on all their houses’ stuff that stops people getting involved in politics in the first place.

I am in no way a political person...but I do care about local issues and my local community.


I suggest you do what I did and personally get involved in an important local issue (protecting the safety of local kids on the way to school on a busy road where a child had previously been seriously injured).


Watch likeminded people put everything into properly preparing their case...

Take time off work to appear at the Town Hall in support...


Wait patiently while Sheffield City Council debate the other great matters of the day and decide whether to issue a statement of solidarity with Kashmiri (Pakistani Controlled) citizens against the brutality of the Indian Army.


Help present the case. with reasoned arguments backed by researched statistics...


Hear councillors agree that this is a priority issue...


Then watch them whipped into party groups to vote it down...purely on party lines.


That is my personal experience of local democracy in action in Sheffield....local people concerned with local issues, crushed by antiquated party politics.

Another nail in the coffin of local democracy.

More ignored local people.


Too right I am cynical...democracy in this country has to change at every level...because right now it is no more than a façade.

Labour, Tory, Lib Dem and the rest need to fall by the wayside and something else better and more democratically accountable be created to take its place.


I wish I knew how to help achieve that...but I don't


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1 hour ago, crazyhorse said:

I am in no way a political person...but I do care about local issues and my local community.


I suggest you do what I did and personally get involved in an important local issue (protecting the safety of local kids on the way to school on a busy road where a child had previously been seriously injured).


Watch likeminded people put everything into properly preparing their case...

Take time off work to appear at the Town Hall in support...


Wait patiently while Sheffield City Council debate the other great matters of the day and decide whether to issue a statement of solidarity with Kashmiri (Pakistani Controlled) citizens against the brutality of the Indian Army.


Help present the case. with reasoned arguments backed by researched statistics...


Hear councillors agree that this is a priority issue...


Then watch them whipped into party groups to vote it down...purely on party lines.


That is my personal experience of local democracy in action in Sheffield....local people concerned with local issues, crushed by antiquated party politics.

Another nail in the coffin of local democracy.

More ignored local people.


Too right I am cynical...democracy in this country has to change at every level...because right now it is no more than a façade.

Labour, Tory, Lib Dem and the rest need to fall by the wayside and something else better and more democratically accountable be created to take its place.


I wish I knew how to help achieve that...but I don't


Maybe start by being a parish councillor? 

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6 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

Maybe start by being a parish councillor? 

I have thought about that in the past and people sometimes suggest I do it...but I think I am better on the outside, trying to live up to my principles, rather than sucked into a machine and moulded into an electable package.

It is bad enough that the world of work does that, but at least you are being paid for it.

Wouldn't it be terrible if that happened willingly in your own time? 


I have experimented with minor "public" office in the past...

Back in 92 I worked down south and rode my bike to work everyday.

I got very into the environmental scene and was even elected to the work environmental committee.

But it ended up as political greenwash...lots of earnest meetings about paper recycling bins, but no real financial commitment to build showers or make serious changes...


Also, what happened internationally in all those years at all those summits in far off exotic places?

Not much progress if we are honest.

A vast ego driven talking shop...


Where is the Dutch style cycle network that ultimately will need to be built?

Nowhere, because no one is prepared to stand up to the road lobby or take road space from angry motorists.


So in all that time I simply ride my bike and tried to do what I could.

I am not perfect, I have an (old) car, we have family holidays that have involved flying...but we also spend lots of time riding our bikes together and I am trying to pass on some principles to my kids...

Despite them complaining about it... 


I really think a lot of useful change can come from individuals at the bottom....in the face of Government and Political indifference.

There are many, many more cyclists on the roads these days and that is wonderful to see...but people did this, not Government.

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1 hour ago, crazyhorse said:

I have thought about that in the past and people sometimes suggest I do it...but I think I am better on the outside, trying to live up to my principles, rather than sucked into a machine and moulded into an electable package.

It is bad enough that the world of work does that, but at least you are being paid for it.

Wouldn't it be terrible if that happened willingly in your own time? 


I have experimented with minor "public" office in the past...

Back in 92 I worked down south and rode my bike to work everyday.

I got very into the environmental scene and was even elected to the work environmental committee.

But it ended up as political greenwash...lots of earnest meetings about paper recycling bins, but no real financial commitment to build showers or make serious changes...


Also, what happened internationally in all those years at all those summits in far off exotic places?

Not much progress if we are honest.

A vast ego driven talking shop...


Where is the Dutch style cycle network that ultimately will need to be built?

Nowhere, because no one is prepared to stand up to the road lobby or take road space from angry motorists.


So in all that time I simply ride my bike and tried to do what I could.

I am not perfect, I have an (old) car, we have family holidays that have involved flying...but we also spend lots of time riding our bikes together and I am trying to pass on some principles to my kids...

Despite them complaining about it... 


I really think a lot of useful change can come from individuals at the bottom....in the face of Government and Political indifference.

There are many, many more cyclists on the roads these days and that is wonderful to see...but people did this, not Government.

I think you’re over analysing the requirements for getting on a parish council. 

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6 hours ago, crazyhorse said:

Nowhere, because no one is prepared to stand up to the road lobby or take road space from angry motorists.


At least you tried, reality is often what people have to deal with, despite many believing in an idealistic world.

I am sure people will complain about councillors getting perks, real or otherwise.

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On 02/04/2019 at 16:25, El Cid said:

I have to write my next leaflet now, any tips?

Get someone to check the spelling on it.

How many will be helping you?

What local issues are important?

What was the turnout like last time - how many votes will you need?

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On 04/04/2019 at 12:25, crazyhorse said:


Where is the Dutch style cycle network that ultimately will need to be built?

Nowhere, because no one is prepared to stand up to the road lobby or take road space from angry motorists.



It would also cost a shedload to flatten the hills to create a Dutch style landscape.

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2 hours ago, Hopman said:


What was the turnout like last time - how many votes will you need?


Its a parish council election, so 400/500 votes will be enough, the electorate is 4532, the turnout will be around 30%, each voter gets 5 votes.


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Is one of your planks going to be the lack of nursery places in the area? If so, don't bother with this when you visit the local care homes.

Do you have any supporters? If so, tell them what you want: "We need better nursery provision."



At a meeting in the ward last night, Independent candidate El Cid stressed the need for better nursery provision in the ward, and pledged that this would be one of his priorities if elected..

And then email this into your chosen local media.


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