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Wasted Opportunities!!!

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I can't believe that in a city the size of Sheffield, with as many BJJ and grappling clubs, we could only scrape together 3 people for a world class BJJ Black belt class. This is appauling.


Sem was here sunday at 11am and 3 people turned up (me being one of them). It was actually embarrassing when he walked in to see it.


Sorry but this is the reason why Sheffield is lagging behind in comps and why London and Birmingham are always top of the tables. I suppose it really is just about who wants it more.


The class has been advertised so everyone knows about it.


Get yourself down to the next class, we don't care where you train or who you train with. John Goldson (truebjj) and I want a progression (frankly because we're sick of beating people up :rolleyes: ) and this is your opportunity.


Lets all get together, leave egos downstairs on the street, have fun, roll together and progress together.


I don't care what club you train with, you are not going to get any better if you only train with the same people. Thats when stalemates happen. It would be nice to see people like Brian Aiken and Steve from Dronfield there.


Just so everyone knows all the money goes to the black belt, while he is here this is his living and 3 people isn't gonna do a thing. John tries to make it all worth while for him so don't think you will be lining anyones pockets but Sems. And believe me you will be happy with what you get for the money you spend!!


Sorry for the rant but it needed to be said and a lot of sheffields top martial artists check this forum.



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Sorry to hear that. I got double booked next Sunday! so I will be able to go to the class; really looking forward to it. It's strange that compared to other cities that in Sheffield there are limited chances to train in martial arts and when opportunities are given they are not taken. As you know I struggle with being able to train in the evenings and weekends because of my job. In any other city I could train during the day, even Belfast now has lunchtime/afternoon BJJ classes. Anyway see you for another beating this evening!!

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I have a piano lesson on Sunday mornings so can only make that class very rarely (also, my worldly fortunes being measured in 2 digits doesn't help :)). Hope it picks up though - I would definitely get down to it more if it didn't happen to fall on that time.


Fraid I can't make tonight either as it turns out, so I'll see you on Wednesday. Happy training!

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yeah its on this sunday then every other sunday. (every 2 weeks)


Class was good tonight, wish we could get the same turn out for the sunday class.


By the way guys, i am not stupid enough to not know £12 is a lot of cash for a BJJ class but anyone who has trained with a black belt of Sem's standard will tell you it's money well spent.


So save all the spare 50p's and £1 coins and put them to good use at 393 club sunday. 11am till 1pm.


As i've said before, John and I are getting nothing for telling you guys about it. This is all for the BJJ. We pay just as much as everyone else when a black belt is here.


(Crayfish - PIANO LESSONS?!?!?!?!? LOL)

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BJJMAN has had a rant, so will I:hihi:


As a bjj practitioner I have heared people talk about grappling and bjj a lot in recent times. It strikes me that a large percentage of martial artists would like to expand on their grownd game.


I will promote bjj to everyone and anyone no matter who they are, where they train, what their style or if theres been history. I have no intention of making money from the sport, I dont care how many students I have. I just want people to have the best oppotunities to train with todays best grapplers. NOT sheffields best, lets get this into context, the WORLDS best!!!!


My students can and do, train where they like and with who they like. I am confident in my own abilities, I dont (like some others) get paranoid that my students will leave me. If guys from other schools come to train I dont take them to one side and ask them not to mention where they train for fear my students might go and check them out:o


And I sure as hell dont penalise students because they train at another club!!!!!!!!!!!


Now some of you may read this and think thats just like me and I say fantastic but if your reading this and are going to get all defencive may be I touched a nerve.


So my point is train with who the hell you like, but if you really want to train with the best get yourself over to train with Sem.




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