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Can my neighbour alter my security light ?

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14 minutes ago, WiseOwl182 said:

Why can't you point it downwards a bit? Presumably this would still light up your property if its current position is shining right across the road.

Because it’s to detect intruders  not snails, foxes and cats !

1 minute ago, Jomie said:

He shouldn’t come onto your property. If you won’t comply with his request then he needs to take legal advice because it is without doubt a nuisance.  We all have a right to the quiet enjoyment of our homes. We don’t pay enough attention to the night and darkness. It is very important to our wellbeing and also for nature. Lights disturbs that and the night is being eroded by the use of them. They are a menace.  Change the lights to ones that only come on for a short while when someone comes or change the angle of the existing ones. The former would be better.

It’s me who needs to take legal advice not him !

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3 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

I'm trying to work this bit out. I fitted one on mother's house. It lights the drive, maybe the pavement (which isn't very wide), but fails to go right across the road, down the neighbours drive and onto his window - which due to the layout of the street is at a lower elevation anyway. So it's either at a wrong angle, super super bright at a wrong angle or the neighbour is being hyper sensitive and doesn't like looking at a bright light when hes looking at your house, but the tilting of the light won't make that much difference.

He’s being hypersensitive.

23 minutes ago, WiseOwl182 said:

Set up CCTV and signs saying "Private property: No trespassing". 

Good idea !

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2 minutes ago, pattricia said:

Because it’s to detect intruders  not snails, foxes and cats !

But intruders are only intruders if they are on your property. Why do you need to light up across the road? If it was me, I'd angle it in the dark to ensure it lit up my property and not across the road. If the neighbour still tampered with it, I'd then warn them not to again and remind them that trespassing is an offence, followed with the signs and CCTV.

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In 2006 the law was changed to include ‘light nuisance’ as a statutory nuisance under the Environmental Protection Act 1990.


Be careful not to allow excessive bright light to spill over into neighbours properties, especially not into their windows, as this will lead to complaints.

Theres more info in this PDF.



This is probably a better link...


Edited by nikki-red
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2 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

So if it doesn't shine on his property, you can try the council, I doubt the police would get involved.

As we have had four burglaries on this road this year I feel safer with a burglar alarm and these security lights.

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7 minutes ago, WiseOwl182 said:

But intruders are only intruders if they are on your property. Why do you need to light up across the road? If it was me, I'd angle it in the dark to ensure it lit up my property and not across the road. If the neighbour still tampered with it, I'd then warn them not to again and remind them that trespassing is an offence, followed with the signs and CCTV.

Because I have a long front drive with a gate at the bottom.

1 minute ago, Padders said:

Nikki"s  post sums it for me, tilt it down a bit and show a bit of consideration, not worth falling out over, is it.

As we have had four burglaries on this road this year I think I would rather fall out with him !

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13 minutes ago, pattricia said:

Because it’s to detect intruders  not snails, foxes and cats !

So why does it need to be on from dusk 'till dawn?

Wouldn't a motion sensing light be a better option?

Because then you can actually tell when someone is near your property as the light will activate, instead of lighting it up for people to see where they're stepping as they try your windows.

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