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Petition to abolish leaseholds.

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There is a petition ( Abolish Leaseholds ) which needs more signatures to reach 100,000  before it can be discussed in Parliament.




Every leaseholder  of a property in Sheffield and  Yorkshire  ,    Lancashire   and  elsewhere in E&W   should be supporting this petition  and have  the proposal  discussed in Parliament .


This is not the "wars of the roses" for control of the throne  of England. 


"The Wars of the Roses were a series of English civil wars for control of the throne of England fought between supporters of two rival branches of the royal House of Plantagenet: the House of Lancaster, associated with a red rose, and the House of York, whose symbol was a white rose."


This  petition is even more important than the throne of England. 


Its about who owns control of your house ?    You ,  who paid for it by a  35 years mortgage  ?   or the freeholder  company ?

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The population of the City of Sheffield is 577,800 (mid-2017 est.) and it is one of the eight largest regional English cities that make up the Core Cities Group. Sheffield is the third-largest English district by population.


The metropolitan population of Sheffield is 1,569,000. ( yes   over  1.5 million  resident  in South Yorkshire ) 


So  Sheffield has enough population to sign this  petititon  and  get  Sheffield  into the Guinness Records ?


So ask your friends and relatives,  aunties, uncles , cousins  and in-laws,  work mates , pub mates , old school mates ,  church mates, gym mates  to sign  the petition.

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Hi  Francypants ,


Any ideas on how to  contact  other leaseholders  to sign the petition ? 


I am sure you have some good ideas judging by 30,000  posts which you have made  since  2012.


Can you write  a letter about the petition , to the Editor of your local paper ?



Edited by topflat29
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Have signed. We don't have leasehold now on our current home because we actually bought the leasehold. I don't agree with them. It had all kinds of conditions on what we could or could not do. 

Our old terrace home used to be leasehold too but it was a nominal amount per year and was paid to the Grand Order of Druids.

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Thank  you,   Caz1 ,


Every leaseholder and residential house owner  in E & W  should sign the petition in order to  nudge those MPs  in Parliament  to  abolish  the  leasehold  system .   


Other countries in Europe  use  Commonhold many years ago and  even  Ireland and Scotland stopped using leasehold. 

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  • nikki-red changed the title to Petition to abolish leaseholds.
4 hours ago, Climbing said:

Just playing devils advocate.


Why should they be abolished?

The so-called petition is pointless. Leasehold is essential to enable covenant enforceability.

What needs much more enforcement is the conduct of certain freehold reversioners.

There is no cost-effective way for a leaseholder to control misconduct.

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