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Learning to Drive?

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I've not driven 4WD since my days in the Army which was a long time ago. It got me thinking on how cars in general have changed. 


I think the change that threw me most was electronic hand brakes. Years of using the hand pulled brake went to a on/off switch of sorts. I'm now on my second with electronic hand brake and I find them really good!


With my latest car it's gears...or lack of in the traditional sense. It has the "flapply paddle" gears or Auto mode. The paddle change works well but I tend to use auto most of the time.


Not enough pennies saved up for a 4WD but I have my eye on a couple for possible future purchases.

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On 25/04/2019 at 12:34, zach said:

Nice drive. I took my Daughter up to Edinburgh late last year as she wanted to see the pandas at the zoo. She's now 25 and still not driving, despite trying to get her to. Maybe now she's finishing university this year, she'll get it done.



Tell her from me, get it done soon or she'll regret it. 


I was a late starter (late 20s) & up to that point felt I didn't need to drive despite, like you, with parental insistence. 


The moment I passed I was a wake up call. It cut 2 HOURS off my daily commute to work for a start. (1hr 25m each way on the bus down to 20m each way in the car). 

It meant that going out with friends didn't mean either waiting for them to come get me or wait till I got to the destination. Impromptu trips to the coast became a reality. 


I know we should be championing those who chose not to drive and use public transport but reality is that it's just not convenient. 

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7 minutes ago, Resident said:

Tell her from me, get it done soon or she'll regret it. 


I was a late starter (late 20s) & up to that point felt I didn't need to drive despite, like you, with parental insistence. 


The moment I passed I was a wake up call. It cut 2 HOURS off my daily commute to work for a start. (1hr 25m each way on the bus down to 20m each way in the car). 

It meant that going out with friends didn't mean either waiting for them to come get me or wait till I got to the destination. Impromptu trips to the coast became a reality. 


I know we should be championing those who chose not to drive and use public transport but reality is that it's just not convenient. 

I've tried many times.


I don't disagree with her when she says that the spare cash she has, she enjoys doing other things. I've offered to pay 50% of the cost but I think she might be holding out for the full 100% rate from The Bank of Dad. University is all but finished now and it's time for her to see how the big wide world works and how a lot of jobs have the "must hold full UK license" on them. Admittedly, not all but it does open up more IMO.

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On 04/05/2019 at 09:13, zach said:

I've tried many times.


I don't disagree with her when she says that the spare cash she has, she enjoys doing other things. I've offered to pay 50% of the cost but I think she might be holding out for the full 100% rate from The Bank of Dad. University is all but finished now and it's time for her to see how the big wide world works and how a lot of jobs have the "must hold full UK license" on them. Admittedly, not all but it does open up more IMO.

I know a number of people who didn't learn until they left uni.  If you've not done it whilst still living at home, it's not a priority when you can't afford a car/insurance/tax/running costs and would rather spend the money on food/beer/accommodation.

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