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Is Kingdom the new Roxy's?

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In fact, you COULD argue that the women in Kingdom are even more beautiful than those of the Roxy era....or perhaps its just the large quantities of alcohol that leads one to this impression......



What you on about?!! The women in Kingdom at the moment ARE the same birds who went to the Roxy - and they ain't aged nicely at all :D


he he he

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What you on about?!! The women in Kingdom at the moment ARE the same birds who went to the Roxy - and they ain't aged nicely at all :D


he he he


Think I will have to stay off the strange drugs for a while......obviously my judgement has been clouded because I am quite sure I met a group of four totally stunning women the other week, all of whom were very well spoken and educated and definitely of the 'classy' genre.......NONE of which were drinking vodka and wearing skimpy see through skirts up to their ears and cackling like old hens in a farmyard and sporting huge areas of cellulite and flabby bits and enormous gold earings......

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i always have a great night in kingdom although havent been there on a weekend for some time due to many midweek student nights gettin in way. I dont think it is full of mingers it is same as anywhere there will always be a mix of people but if some of those people want to wear short skirts etc what is the problem with that? if you dont like it dont look. Nobody choice of attire will always please everyone but regardless why should someone dress to please others anyway?

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I used to go to Roxy's but at the backend of its life. I used to go when i was 15/16 (1998/1999) and had the best times on a Saturday night


I once snogged the barman in the fridge. Them big fridges that you can walk in and has shelves. I will never forget that! :)

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