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The shame of Saudi Arabia

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Just been reading about the  barbaric treatment of  Saudi. One person tortured then beheaded for sending a WhatsApp message about protests when he was just 16.

The British government appear to be verbally  condemning this, but as is often the case money takes precedence.

I cannot see any  BAE contracts being cancelled some   time soon.

I do wonder just how cruel this country may have been centuries earlier, or maybe nothing has changed since then.


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3 hours ago, Janus said:

Just been reading about the  barbaric treatment of  Saudi. One person tortured then beheaded for sending a WhatsApp message about protests when he was just 16.

The British government appear to be verbally  condemning this, but as is often the case money takes precedence.

I cannot see any  BAE contracts being cancelled some   time soon.

I do wonder just how cruel this country may have been centuries earlier, or maybe nothing has changed since then.


It’s awful how they execute people In Saudi Arabia.  Is it something to do with their religion why they use these barbaric methods of execution and other methods of punishment such as sentencing someone to be whipped?


You’re right when you say money takes precedence.  I’m sure we will hear our government voice it’s opinion again in the future when the next poor victim hits the headlines after they have been executed, and that will be about all Government will do until as Top Cats Hat says we no longer need them.


Surely the methods of execution in Saudi centuries earlier can’t be any worse than they are today.  Having said that there was something on TV last year saying that up until 1870 in this country anyone found guilty of treason could still be 

hung drawn and quartered. Thought that was abolished well before then.

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I find Saudia Arabia's attitudes, and those of many other arabian countries to be depressing. To my mind, they are barbaric and cruel. Most of their citizens seem to think that it is acceptable to abuse anyone who has less power than they do. Why are the only critical voices we hear from Saudia Arabia those of women who have been abused by their families and who have had enough? Why does no one in power try to change things? Where are the moral thinkers? What are the Imams doing if they are not leading their people towards a more moral way of living?


There is a school of thought that we can change their attitudes by engaging with them. I think that this is wrong and that we should having nothing to do with them until they reform themselves.


Others might say "Who are we to determine what is cruel/moral/right and what is not?"  I say that causing physical pain to others is cruel, immoral and not right, because we know that there are less painful ways to punish people that still punishes them. When you know that there is a better way, but stick with a method that inflicts unnecessary suffering, that is self-evidently barbaric. 


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Fifty thousand UK jobs talk too. In the real world, if the UK embargoes Saudi trade, SA  will simply buy from nations like Russia or China who have equal or worse human rights records and any influence that the UK has for the better will be gone along with the money, jobs and tax revenue.  

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2 hours ago, Kevin Addersly said:

Saudi Arabia is a feudal, ruthless relic of two millennia ago. and should be boycotted by all nations.

Hugh Abbot : Malcolm...

Malcolm Tucker : You don't seem to understand that I am gonna have to mop up a <removed> hurricane of **** here from all of these neurotics! What did the Prime Minister actually say to you?

Hugh Abbot : He actually said this is exactly the kind of thing we should be doing.

Malcolm Tucker : What did he actually say?

Hugh Abbot : He said this is exactly the sort of thing we should be doing.

Malcolm Tucker : 'SHOULD' be doing. 'Should' does not mean 'yes'.

Edited by nikki-red
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