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2-4 Players Required for Outside Summer Football

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We are a small group of players who have just moved outside for the summer at the FA St Georges site, Thorncliffe, in High Green.  We are looking for 2-4 players to bolster numbers and stop us all running about as much (!!) on a Friday night 8-9pm.  Player ages range from 19 - 58, with a smattering of players in between these ages.  We don't play on a full pitch, as that would probably kill us all off, but its big enough to easily take 7or8 a-side.  The pitches are 4G astroturf standard and are really good to play on.


The current group have a range of abilities, some taking it seriously, some less so but all enjoying the exercise, so if you can control a ball, play in a team, and last an hour, then please make contact and we can discuss further - you would be more than welcome to join us.  First come, first served but all we ask is that you can make most weeks without dropping out too much, so some commitment to turning up each week is expected please.



Edited by nstewart69
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