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Euro Elections

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5 hours ago, Tony said:

@I1L2T3 once again, here are the promises in black and white that people voted for.


And once again leaver supporters didn't vote for that. They voted for the promises made by the leave campaigns - not the things dismissed by the leave campaigns as project fear.

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First they took control of our trade.


Then they took control of our borders.


Next they took control of our laws.


Now they have taken our democracy from us and pretend not to hear.



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19 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

First they took control of our trade.


Then they took control of our borders.


Next they took control of our laws.


Now they have taken our democracy from us and pretend not to hear.



Tell who?

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1 hour ago, altus said:

And once again leaver supporters didn't vote for that. They voted for the promises made by the leave campaigns - not the things dismissed by the leave campaigns as project fear.

No, that is just an assumption that fits in with the remainer psyche as its what they want to believe. Its a bit like believing anyone who voted leave was racist, thick and couldn't care too hoots about their children or grandchildren's future . I for one voted leave but was never taken in by any promises from the campaign as I'm a grown up who makes up his own mind. Most leave voters I know of my age weren't taken in either and voted for a variety of different reasons. I know a lot of them hate Farage but despite that will be voting for the brexit EU MP's.

Edited by apelike
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11 hours ago, Car Boot said:

It's very disturbing that you believe that EDL and BNP literature is okay.


The Royal mail wll inspect all parties election material before it allows it's workers to distribute. If extremist BNP or Liberal Democrat propaganda is offensive, or illegal, it will not be distributed.

Do you have a problem with the English language?  Genuine question as you don't seem to know that a question mark at the end of sentence means that it is a question to you. 

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7 hours ago, Cyclone said:

Why on earth should a narrow outcome that was driven through on a pack of lies cause those who disagree with it to suddenly support it.

It was a terrible idea, it remains a terrible idea.

Did the remain gang run a lie free referendum campaign do you think. Careful with your answer, my fingers are on the keys waiting for your reply. Don't tell little porkies trying to defend the remoaners will you.



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