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Should vaccination be compulsory?

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42 minutes ago, staninoodle said:

48% take up,infact western propoganda blames russia for a measles epidemic worldwide and many russian people mistrust western vaccines,im not posting the link ask the WHO yaself,dunno where you found that propoganda but its way outa date.

Youve gotta try harder pal,your just trolling out of date stats,get in the game mate,forget google,try talking with everyday russian people,you may just LEARN something LOL

The measles vaccination rate IN Russia is hovering around 98%. 


The vaccination rate in the neighbouring Ukraine for example dropped to below 40% because of a concerted effort by the Russian government to destabilise the country by having trolls question the legitimacy of vaccines. A measles epidemic in a country where it is facing economic hardship is difficult to handle. 


You can educate yourself by reading the likes of the Lancet. I do question your ability on being able to come to a reasoned and informed opinion if your source is some random person with no credibility on the matter. 

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16 minutes ago, ez8004 said:

The measles vaccination rate IN Russia is hovering around 98%. 


The vaccination rate in the neighbouring Ukraine for example dropped to below 40% because of a concerted effort by the Russian government to destabilise the country by having trolls question the legitimacy of vaccines. A measles epidemic in a country where it is facing economic hardship is difficult to handle. 


You can educate yourself by reading the likes of the Lancet. I do question your ability on being able to come to a reasoned and informed opinion if your source is some random person with no credibility on the matter. 

Id prefer to trust proven russian info than anything published by western influenced media which aims soley to sell more of its product by such influence than actually act on behalf of those that are at risk.

The take up of immunisation in the former USSR is still hovering at 48% and falling

Edited by staninoodle
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2 minutes ago, staninoodle said:

Id prefer to trust proven russian info than anything published by western influenced media which aims soley to sell more of its product by such influence than actually act on behalf of those that are at risk

You really have no idea. Do you know the difference between a peer reviewed scientific paper versus a newspaper. Here is a hint, they are not the same thing. 

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6 hours ago, staninoodle said:

48% take up,infact western propoganda blames russia for a measles epidemic worldwide and many russian people mistrust western vaccines,im not posting the link ask the WHO yaself,dunno where you found that propoganda but its way outa date.

Youve gotta try harder pal,your just trolling out of date stats,get in the game mate,forget google,try talking with everyday russian people,you may just LEARN something LOL.

Russian sees only a 2% rise forecasting to 2025 in autism,and yet the USA are predicting a rise of 50% in the same period .

Come on is that hard????

Not posting a link that doesnt exist, what a surprise.  I DID ask WHO, I posted the link!!!!


2017 is out of date?????


The only one trolling here is you "mate"  I HAVE talked to Russians and it will come as no shock to find that they have NO idea of what you are on about!!!!  Unlike you I use google to get the facts not find places that print their rubbish on toilet paper.


You say that Russia predicts a 2% rise over the next 6 years and you believe them?!?


Having a proper "discussion" with people like you is impossible, no matter how much proof you get that the earth is round you will still say its flat.


5 hours ago, staninoodle said:

Id prefer to trust proven russian info than anything published by western influenced media which aims soley to sell more of its product by such influence than actually act on behalf of those that are at risk.

The take up of immunisation in the former USSR is still hovering at 48% and falling

Again you use the term "proven" yet you are unable to produce that proof.  Give us the peer reviewed credible sources and perhaps we can have a proper talk about it

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34 minutes ago, MAC33 said:

Lol. Try again. 


Vaccines should go through clinical trials, and not be rushed out before they are completed (which was the case with Dengvaxia) and should not have unqualified people administer it (which was the case with Dengvaxia). Even so, no death has been conclusively linked with the vaccine. 




The resulting panic around vaccinations however caused a measles epidemic that killed 338. 

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On 05/05/2019 at 08:07, nikki-red said:

My bold.

But that could be virtually anywhere?
The supermarket, the swimming baths, parks, play areas etc etc? You'd literally have to ban them from leaving the house!

Seems fair, they're a danger to other people.

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Surely autism rates have increased due to better diagnosis.


I remember my mum telling me about some great uncle (or some other old relative) who was, in hindsight, very clearly autistic. Apparently he was just like Rain Man, but back then people generally didn't have a clue about autism so he was just accepted as being 'odd'.


As I understand it, vaccinations occur children around the same time that autism starts to be able to be diagnosed which is why some people mistake it as the cause.


In answer to the question at the start of the thread, I'm definitely pro vaccination but I'm also slightly uncomfortable with the idea of compulsory vaccination. I think other avenues to increase rates should be pursued first.

Edited by vwkittie
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17 hours ago, Cyclone said:

Seems fair, they're a danger to other people.

Well, they’re a danger to their kind, certainly. So let Darwin have his way, that should help both purge the gene pool and mitigate anti-intellectualism.

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No they should not be compulsory. If vaccines are, why not extend to other socially 'preferred' behaviours? Vegetables are good for you, why not force 5 a day and have the vegetable police knocking on your door to check?


Joking aside, I'm not against vaccinations, but not keen on the number and frequency.  For example, in 2018 there were 33 cases of Polio worldwide. It's been eradicated everywhere but Pakistan and Afghanistan (the WHO figures). Transmission is by direct exposure to the faeces or mucus of an infected person. So what are the chances of someone living in the UK being exposed to Polio? Virtually none. More likely to be hit by a car on the way to the GP than contracting polio. So why do we still regularly vaccinate children against it in the UK?  Other diseases that we vaccinate against such as hepatitis or diphtheria are also uncommon and are often contracted due to unhygienic and unsanitary living conditions that aren't generally prevalent in the UK. Looking at data here is seems there are now far more people dying or being injured by the Polio vaccine than there are by the disease itself. 


Secondly, vaccines aren't completely safe. The UK government recognises this by having a vaccine damage compensation scheme. So it becomes a case of weighing up the risks of any single jab. 



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