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The Brexit Party thread. All brexit party discussion here please.

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Here is the irony.   Yaxley Lennon is a convicted felon, with arrests for assault.  Benjamin is a guy who calls out people 'acting like a bunch of n*****s", tweets about rape with Labour MPs, and Farage is a man who has threatened civil unrest, including taking up of weapons, and they are the ones saying democracy is dead because they got humiliated by a milkshake?

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14 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

That seems to back up what I said before about being an effective tactic against self appointed cult populist figures.


Firstly you could hear a lot of people laughing at him as Farage walked down the street. Secondly Farage did not look a bit pleased and thirdly the photographic/video record of the event will be of Farage looking upset with milkshake down his suit rather than an interview of him talking the same old 'will of the people' nonsense.


On a side matter, that PCSO has opened himself up to an assault charge for the way he grabbed the protestor.

I cant see how... Removing the gent quickly from being done over by Farages goons is probably in the protestors best interests....

3 minutes ago, bendix said:

Here is the irony.   Yaxley Lennon is a convicted felon, with arrests for assault.  Benjamin is a guy who calls out people 'acting like a bunch of n*****s", tweets about rape with Labour MPs, and Farage is a man who has threatened civil unrest, including taking up of weapons, and they are the ones saying democracy is dead because they got humiliated by a milkshake?

The milkshake is mightier than the sword? Not got quite the same ring to it but it may prove the case...

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8 hours ago, I1L2T3 said:

Looking at the news today it looks like the Brexit Party PayPal ‘donation’ system is an invitation for money laundering, and makes it easy to send in multiple sums under £500 from anywhere in the world with no ID checks. Any foreign-based person can send any number of payments.


They are taking in £100,000 a day.


Further, it was found possible to register as a £25 member using the name Vladimir Putin with an address The Kremlin, Moscow.


This is a get rich quick scam that further undermines our democracy. The Brexit party has no policies, no manifesto and no democratic oversight.


The icing on the cake is Farage’s former aide Richard Cottrell who was convicted in the US for money laundering is claiming to be involved with Brexit Party fundraising.


Oh, and the £450k Farage took from Banks.

Oh , the irony of Gordon Brown calling for Brexit Parties donations to be investigated. The same Gordon Brown who gave peerages to some of Labour`s biggest donors. 


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1 hour ago, retep said:

I don't use Facebook, and I don't need highly biased sites to back up an argument either, it's as plain as your face,

upcoming election try and smear your opponents is old rope, it backfired on you, but gave me a smile.


Hows your highly biased source by the way still touting for donations to keep it alive


Must try harder.

None of what I’ve said is untruthful. It’s all facts.


I haven’t posted a source. I can if you want.

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5 minutes ago, I1L2T3 said:

None of what I’ve said is untruthful. It’s all facts.

It maybe facts but so is the fact that the rules also are the same for the other parties, one fact to neglected to make.

Edited by apelike
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15 minutes ago, Penistone999 said:

Oh , the irony of Gordon Brown calling for Brexit Parties donations to be investigated. The same Gordon Brown who gave peerages to some of Labour`s biggest donors. 


All facts Penny.


Vlad at the Kremlin has joined the Brexit Party


Farage hasn’t denied accepting £450k for his new life in the US, which he claimed was ruined by Brexit not happening and has nothing to do with being a person of interest to the FBI and his former aide doing time in the penitentiary.


The Brexit Party haven’t denied that donations are coming in from other countries, or that they don’t know where all the money is coming from.


What a bunch of scoundrels

2 minutes ago, apelike said:

It maybe facts but so is the fact that the rules also are the same for the other parties, one fact to neglected to make.

So no risk of money laundering then? Or of dark money tainting our elections again?



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A milkshake was thrown at Nigel Farage here in Newcastle while he was out campaigning today for the Brexit Party.  There will be a few on here who will be laughing and a few posts congratulating the person who threw it. These idiots need to be dealt with and punished in the courts. Campaigning in the streets will be thing of the past soon for politicians.  


There is a few politicians I dislike but I would not like to see a milkshake thrown at them.


Edited by hauxwell
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6 minutes ago, hauxwell said:

A milkshake was thrown at Nigel Farage here in Newcastle while he was out campaigning today for the Brexit Party.  There will be a few on here who will be laughing and a few posts congratulating the person who threw it. These idiots need to be dealt with and punished in the courts. Campaigning in the streets will be thing of the past soon for politicians.  


There is a few politicians I dislike but I would not like to see a milkshake thrown at them.


Don’t often agree but 100% with you on that post

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