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The Brexit Party thread. All brexit party discussion here please.

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4 hours ago, Pettytom said:

What an amazing  amount of denial.


Voting for Brexit doesn’t make you responsible for the mess it causes.

Very true as it the politicians that are causing the mess not the people who voted.


4 hours ago, Pettytom said:

£66bn missing from the economy doesn’t make us poorer as a country.

Ahh, so it now accepted by you that its not lost money at all. As said before it is not lost or missing at all and was just a projected forecast of what may have been and not what was. A bit like a weather forecasting it may rain and yet it didn't.


4 hours ago, Pettytom said:

Farage advocating the privatisation of the NHS, isn’t him advocating the privatisation of the NHS.


Publicly recommend or support.


Farage actually said in that posted clip:


"I think we are going to have to think about healthcare, very very diferently and I think we are going to have to an insurance based system of healthcare. Frankly I would feel more comfortable that my money would return more value if I was able to do that through the marketplace of an insurance company than just us trustingly giving £100m a year to central government expecting them to organise the healthcare service from cradle to grave for us."


4 hours ago, Pettytom said:

Do any leave voters have options on Santa, or the Tooth Fairy?

Yep, Santa leaves presents at Christmas and the tooth fairy leaves money under the pillow in exchange for a tooth, however I think that also applies to the remain voters as well.

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4 hours ago, I1L2T3 said:

Couldn’t be clearer could it. The bit missing from the poster is where he talks about the health system being run by private companies.

What, you mean an anti-brexit campaign that puts out lies on billboards.. Mmm, haven't we seen this sort of thing happening before... cough!. Now compare that with my transcript of the very same Common Sense Tour! Notice the different wording.

3 hours ago, Halibut said:

Of course there is. People without insurance don't get it. Do you not see that?

Unless there is room in the rules that take that into account.

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10 minutes ago, apelike said:

Unless there is room in the rules that take that into account.

America is a horrible example of healthcare, which seems to be the worst of both worlds (high public expenditure and restrictions to care). 


Plenty of countries however have an insurance based healthcare model that also offers universal healthcare. France, Germany, Canada, Switzerland, Belgium, The Netherlands... the list goes on.. 


Do we know which type Farage is advocating? 

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21 minutes ago, apelike said:

What, you mean an anti-brexit campaign that puts out lies on billboards..

Do you mean the anti-Brexit campaign that puts screenshots of twitter and facebook comments of prominent Leave supporters on billboards.


So you are admitting that they lied then? 👍

8 minutes ago, Robin-H said:

Do we know which type Farage is advocating? 

Now let's think! 🤔

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