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The Brexit Party thread. All brexit party discussion here please.

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13 minutes ago, Halibut said:

Firstly, your claim that everyone on the Forum thinks I'm a conspiracy theorist nutjob is clearly utterly ridiculous.

Re the bold, yes - you've never once uttered a word in disapproval of your obviously racist President, who refuses to condemn white nationalists and is hell bent on enriching the very wealthy at the expense of the poor.

Yeah I will just assume you are a deluded conspiracy theorist who can never back any statement up. I know you love president Trump don't deny it. Only 6 more years of his presidency and he can do great trade agreements with Prime Minister Farage.




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5 minutes ago, XXTickerXX said:

Yeah I will just assume you are a deluded conspiracy theorist who can never back any statement up. I know you love president Trump don't deny it. Only 6 more years of his presidency and he can do great trade agreements with Prime Minister Farage.




No denial that you're a fan of a massive racist then? Very telling. 

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1 hour ago, Halibut said:

Firstly, your claim that everyone on the Forum thinks I'm a conspiracy theorist nutjob is clearly utterly ridiculous.

Re the bold, yes - you've never once uttered a word in disapproval of your obviously racist President, who refuses to condemn white nationalists and is hell bent on enriching the very wealthy at the expense of the poor.

He did condemn white nationalists after the Charlottesville attack, he doesn’t always get his words correct admittedly, his opponents are quick to pick up on this.

His son in law is Jewish so why would he support white nationalist when  these  extremists also detest Jews?

If he is the bad President as you say he is, then let the American people judge him at the next election.  As we are about to judge our Government today for their handling of Brexit.


This thread is about Brexit not Trump so enough said about him on this thread.

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9 hours ago, I1L2T3 said:

You surely can’t be denying Farage has said these things? On multiple occasions.




This is really takes the biscuit now. What a nerve.

Yes the article talks about replacing the NHS with a private insurance system....


Farage wants to destroy the NHS

The link also says he wants to move to a model more akin to the French and Dutch Systems - have France and the Netherlands, which offer universal health care, had their healthcare system destroyed? 


I don't like Farage. Firstly, I wanted to remain in the EU, which means we fundamentally disagree on his main issue. There are many other things we would disagree on. If he is advocating for the French or Dutch model however then I'm not really sure what the problem yes. Yes, we don't want a system like America, but I really don't see what the problem is with a system like France? What is it? 

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8 hours ago, Pettytom said:

So there we have it. Brexit voters take no responsibility for the consequences of their actions. They know that their vote has already hit the UK economy, but they don’t care about that. And they’d be quite happy to smash the NHS up.


How lovely 

Indeed, worth any price... until it comes to taking responsibility for it!


A disgusting lack of intergrity... Sadly, no surprise, they sold their dignity long ago.



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30 minutes ago, Robin-H said:

The link also says he wants to move to a model more akin to the French and Dutch Systems - have France and the Netherlands, which offer universal health care, had their healthcare system destroyed? 


I don't like Farage. Firstly, I wanted to remain in the EU, which means we fundamentally disagree on his main issue. There are many other things we would disagree on. If he is advocating for the French or Dutch model however then I'm not really sure what the problem yes. Yes, we don't want a system like America, but I really don't see what the problem is with a system like France? What is it? 

In the link he says he wants to replace the NHS, fund the replacement through private insurance and cut out government involvement.


The problem is that we in the U.K. would be very unlikely to go with the French model given our previous track record with privatisation.


It’s perhaps not an unreasonable goal, but Farage is likely to be lying through his teeth about his true intentions, noting of course his powerful US connections

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16 hours ago, I1L2T3 said:

You surely can’t be denying Farage has said these things? On multiple occasions.



Yes, now provide the links as they will have been recorded. Unfortunately the ledbydonkeys one is incorrect as the transcript shows but makes good new though.

16 hours ago, I1L2T3 said:

This is really takes the biscuit now. 

Not really as its you, like many other remainers on here that want to put your own take on what was said instead of reading what was said. I'm sure if Farage had said what you recon then the media would be all over it.

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