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The Brexit Party thread. All brexit party discussion here please.

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48 minutes ago, makapaka said:

If there was a second referendum and it was 52/48 in "Remains" favour what would you suggest happens?

That is incredibly unlikely. 


If a second referendum was held tomorrow the result would be something like 54/46 in Remain's favour. If it were held in six months time it would be something like 55/45 in Remain's favour. In a year it would be 57/43 in Remain's favour.*


There is no evidence whatsoever of any likelihood of a shift from Remain to Leave, despite the protestations of some of the posters on here! 😉


(*based on a steady shift of 2% per year from Leave to Remain.)



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Guest makapaka
2 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

That is incredibly unlikely. 


If a second referendum was held tomorrow the result would be something like 54/46 in Remain's favour. If it were held in six months time it would be something like 55/45 in Remain's favour. In a year it would be 57/43 in Remain's favour.*


There is no evidence whatsoever of any likelihood of a shift from Remain to Leave, despite the protestations of some of the posters on here! 😉


(*based on a steady shift of 2% per year from Leave to Remain.)



Ok so what if it was 54/46?

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1 hour ago, makapaka said:

There's already been a referendum. There shouldn't be any need for a second one.

If Brexiteers had been able to deliver on the promises they made during the referendum, there wouldn't...


Since they haven't, what Brexit actually means bears no resemblance to what Brexit meant during the referendum.


As such, the people should be asked to verify their decision in light of new information (IMHO).



1 hour ago, makapaka said:

If there was a second referendum and it was 52/48 in "Remains" favour what would you suggest happens?

Revoke Art.50. Deal with the real issues facing the UK.


If leavers are able to make a compelling case to have another referendum (as I believe remain has done) that's fine.. lets have another.


Given most Brexiteer claims have already been exposed as miss-information, plain faced lies, or actually UK govermment policy... making that case again could be a problem... we'll have to see :roll:

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Guest makapaka
4 hours ago, Magilla said:

If Brexiteers had been able to deliver on the promises they made during the referendum, there wouldn't...


Since they haven't, what Brexit actually means bears no resemblance to what Brexit meant during the referendum.


As such, the people should be asked to verify their decision in light of new information (IMHO).



Revoke Art.50. Deal with the real issues facing the UK.


If leavers are able to make a compelling case to have another referendum (as I believe remain has done) that's fine.. lets have another.


Given most Brexiteer claims have already been exposed as miss-information, plain faced lies, or actually UK govermment policy... making that case again could be a problem... we'll have to see :roll:

That would be good but what about the consequences- what if you are one of the million’s that voted to leave in the referendum?


And maybe voted brexit party last week?


how would those people feel?

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46 minutes ago, makapaka said:

That would be good but what about the consequences- what if you are one of the million’s that voted to leave in the referendum?


And maybe voted brexit party last week?


how would those people feel?

Well, most of them seem to be ardent fans of democracy. It would be difficult for them to shout “we won, deal with it” and then ignore a greater democratic vote the other way.


Of course, a close remain vote in a second referendum, would be problematic, to say the least.

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40 minutes ago, makapaka said:

That would be good but what about the consequences- what if you are one of the million’s that voted to leave in the referendum?


And maybe voted brexit party last week?


how would those people feel?

If our elected, sovereign government got off their collective arses and helped those who most likely voted brexit - do something about housing for poorer young 'uns, jobs, sort out the care issue for the old uns and the NHS  for everyone, handle immigration better - nobody (apart from the racists) would really care. 


People go for easy populist answers when things aren't going well. Leaving the EU won't help anyone. 


But, I've a feeling that's going to happen and if farage is allowed to stick his oar in,  it will end badly on many levels.

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8 hours ago, makapaka said:

That would be good but what about the consequences- what if you are one of the million’s that voted to leave in the referendum?


And maybe voted brexit party last week?

Their ire should be directed ast those that led them up the garden path, then totally and completely failed to deliver on anything they promised.


Ultimately, they should also take some of the responsibility for voting for a fantasy.


8 hours ago, makapaka said:

how would those people feel?

At this stage, if they had any shame, pretty stupid I would imagine.....

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18 hours ago, tinfoilhat said:

Ok, let’s say there’s a hard brexit, and it all turns to ****. Do you think those who voted brexit, particularly those near the bottom of the food chain, will be accepting of the situation, or look to blame somebody else?



This, if it all falls to **** you can bet your life that you won't find one single person who'd admit they supported Brexit.

The best you'd get is "Not what I voted for" which is quickly becoming the UK's favourite motto.



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13 hours ago, makapaka said:

how would those people feel?

Cheated, and hopefully many will then examine why they voted why they did and look at not only the issues rather than slogans, but also look at the kind of people encouraging them to vote the way they did and where their interests really lie.


One positive outcome of Brexit may be to encourage people to spend more time looking at issues rather than making dumb decisions based on dog whistle slogans, inflammatory newspaper headlines and fake news on facebook.

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