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The Brexit Party thread. All brexit party discussion here please.

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Guest makapaka
5 hours ago, Magilla said:

Their ire should be directed ast those that led them up the garden path, then totally and completely failed to deliver on anything they promised.


Ultimately, they should also take some of the responsibility for voting for a fantasy.


At this stage, if they had any shame, pretty stupid I would imagine.....

How patronising.

4 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Cheated, and hopefully many will then examine why they voted why they did and look at not only the issues rather than slogans, but also look at the kind of people encouraging them to vote the way they did and where their interests really lie.


One positive outcome of Brexit may be to encourage people to spend more time looking at issues rather than making dumb decisions based on dog whistle slogans, inflammatory newspaper headlines and fake news on facebook.

And again.



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23 minutes ago, geared said:


This, if it all falls to **** you can bet your life that you won't find one single person who'd admit they supported Brexit.

The best you'd get is "Not what I voted for" which is quickly becoming the UK's favourite motto.

Well dont bet on it as I for one would admit it and if it does fall and fail I will laugh my head off.

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27 minutes ago, geared said:


This, if it all falls to **** you can bet your life that you won't find one single person who'd admit they supported Brexit.

The best you'd get is "Not what I voted for" which is quickly becoming the UK's favourite motto.



You can bet your bottom dollar if it fails the Tory press / Farage etc will blame the EU for it by "seeking revenge etc" and unfortunately that will  be swallowed by huge numbers of Brexit voters.

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1 hour ago, Longcol said:

You can bet your bottom dollar if it fails the Tory press / Farage etc will blame the EU for it by "seeking revenge etc" and unfortunately that will  be swallowed by huge numbers of Brexit voters.

If that's the worse that can happen (they've already long swallowed that "it's all the EU's fault": how else do you explain yesteryear's Leave 2016 and GE2017 votes, and the recent Brexit Party vote?)


The 5m votes to the Brexit Party from Brexit voters (around 30% of the 17m Leave voters in 2016) are now numerically matched by the 5m hard-Remainers Brit-in-EU and EU27-in-UK. Food for thoughts ;)


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6 minutes ago, CaptainSwing said:

[For avoidance of doubt, note that I'm using 'Fuehrer' purely for its alliterative value there, and am not implying any spiritual kinship between Mr Farage and a certain notorious historical figure.]

Matt Frei wasn’t so shy on Monday’s C4 News.


He asked Farage who was responsible for deciding Brexit Party policy and if anyone could depose him as leader. Farage looked sheepish and didn’t answer. Frei then pointed out that there was historical precedent for such a situation. 😅

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6 minutes ago, Del Usory said:

Ms Widdecombe said it was a "tribute" to Nigel Farage, the party leader, that he had been able to unite people from different political viewpoints.


All right-wingers and all Brexit supporters. That must have been a really tough job to get all them together! 😱

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  • 1 month later...

After embarrassing themselves at the opening of the European Parliament, darling of the Brexit Party Anne Widdecombe, has gone one step further by likening Brexit to the emancipation of slaves.


I reckon Farage will be trying to keep her under wraps from now on, as any bonkers comments she makes will be used against them if they stand in future elections.

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On 29/05/2019 at 06:59, Magilla said:

Their ire should be directed ast those that led them up the garden path, then totally and completely failed to deliver on anything they promised.


Ultimately, they should also take some of the responsibility for voting for a fantasy.


At this stage, if they had any shame, pretty stupid I would imagine.....

Just like the remaoners on here?

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38 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

After embarrassing themselves at the opening of the European Parliament, darling of the Brexit Party Anne Widdecombe, has gone one step further by likening Brexit to the emancipation of slaves.


I reckon Farage will be trying to keep her under wraps from now on, as any bonkers comments she makes will be used against them if they stand in future elections.

I like this bit lol

In response, EU Brexit co-ordinator Guy Verhofstadt said Ms Widdecombe was giving her party leader, Nigel Farage, "stiff competition as chief clown"




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