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Same thing every week...

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Do you do the same thing every week even though you don't have to?


I don't mean the gym or work, which usually have constraints set both on them and your life.


Like queueing at the post office every Tuesday or in my parents case - the weekly shop every Thursday.

They've been retired for 25 years almost,there has been no family at home for the past 15 years - yet they still insist on shopping every week on Thursday. So much so that they won't do anything else on that day.

Is it an age thing ? Or is it organisational ?


I shop when we need sufficient stuff to warrant it, we might do things on certain days - such as retail outlets at weekends when you have more time but thats a choice we make.


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Guest makapaka
2 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Insist is a very strong word. They do their shopping on a Thursday because they've always done it then. Is there any pressing reason why they should shop on another day?

What a strange contribution-are you trying to tell them what their own parents do or don’t do and why?


i think the answer is more to do with routine and i think as you get older a sense of order can  be comforting.


People can prepare and plan for activities and reduce stresses / physical exertions associated with certain things which can be less appealing as you get older.


just my opinion.

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8 minutes ago, lectrolove said:

A lot of elderly people shop on Thursdays, it seems to be a "thing" for that age group. Sainsburys is always rammed with elderly shoppers on Thursdays. This mystifies me.

I remember going to the supermarket a lot with my Dad on a Thursday after work in the 1970s, and it being really busy. I think that Thursday must've been pay day.

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9 minutes ago, lectrolove said:

A lot of elderly people shop on Thursdays, it seems to be a "thing" for that age group.

No great mystery.


Before people were paid monthly by bank transfer most working and lower middle class employees were paid with cash on a Thursday. 😀



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Guest makapaka
1 hour ago, Top Cats Hat said:



What I am saying is acually the opposite. 🙄

What - not to tell his parents what to do?

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Thursday was always the main day for people collecting their pension from the Post Office.

The routine of shopping on that day stems from this even though today virtually  all pensioners have it paid into a bank account.

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10 minutes ago, Dreb48 said:

Thursday was always the main day for people collecting their pension from the Post Office.

The routine of shopping on that day stems from this even though today virtually  all pensioners have it paid into a bank account.

Actually that's a bit wrong as plenty of able bodied OAP's still prefer to get it from the PO as attested by those in the PO queues. I get mine on a Wednesday from the PO in Wilkinsons, pay my bills that are not DD and then do my main shopping after that. As you say its a bit of a routine.

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