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Facial recognition cameras

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55 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

He clearly was, which is why he was given a fixed penalty fine for disorderly conduct.


There is no such offence as refusing to remove a face covering. A police officer can require a person to remove a face covering but only as part of a Section 60 stop and search and they can only do that if they have reasonable grounds to search you and only then if they believe the face covering is an attempt to disguise their identity.


Neither was the case here and the police knew that and gave him a fixed penalty for swearing at them. Others refused to be filmed or photographed and no action was taken.



Why was he being asked to remove his face covering? 

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10 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Because the police were trialing a facial recognition camera van in Romford Essex and wanted to capture as many public faces as possible.

That seems odd. You’d think that they would get enough people walking by generally without their faces covered without having to go and ask people to uncover theirs... why would they go to the effort? 


The criteria you quoted earlier (section 60) means that they had no right to ask him to remove his face covering in this instance, as trailing new software isn’t a listed reason. 

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11 minutes ago, Robin-H said:

The criteria you quoted earlier (section 60) means that they had no right to ask him to remove his face covering in this instance, as trailing new software isn’t a listed reason. 



That is why others who didn't want to be photographed were not forced to. I'm sure the police were well aware of this and that is why they gave him a fixed penalty fine for disorderly conduct when he started getting leery and swearing at them.


Petty and vindictive on the part of the police granted, but that doesn't alter the fact that he wasn't fined for refusing to uncover his face.

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ON MAY 14th, San Francisco’s legislature voted to ban city agencies from using facial-recognition technology. Leading the charge was Aaron Peskin, a member of the city's Board of Supervisors, the legislative body. In January, when he introduced the measure, he said he had “yet to be persuaded that there is any beneficial use of this technology that outweighs the potential for government actors to use it for coercive and oppressive ends.

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Like a black hobnailed boot forever stomping on the face of society.


People laugh at Daveid Icke but when you see stuff like this happening I guess the joke is on you.

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