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Big John-bus driver

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Does anyone know if "big John Grocock" is still driving buses, he spent a large time on 75/76 routes, a very large man with huge hands, but a true gentle giant, he would help anyone and always had time to speak to passengers, he will probably be close to retiring now. Could often be seen "sucking" an unlit pipe which he would hold between one finger and thumb.

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Originally posted by uncleheed

big john does still drive the buses.He still does the 75/76,and is still just as big,if not bigger.I think he retires this year


I worked on the 75 Board until I got took ill in October 2003, I will always remeber "Big John" as a kind chap who would always have a chat to you.


You always knew if your bus was 10-20 mins late that "Big John" was driving it, but you didn't mind because he is a nice chap.


If I remeber rightly has he got somthing to do with the Bus Museum at Tinsley?.

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Does anyone know if "big John Grocock" is still driving buses, he spent a large time on 75/76 routes, a very large man with huge hands, but a true gentle giant, he would help anyone and always had time to speak to passengers, he will probably be close to retiring now. Could often be seen "sucking" an unlit pipe which he would hold between one finger and thumb.


Hi Little Malc


I have just come accross your old thread regarding my old mate of yesteryear Big John.


Just to let you know that he sdaly passed away late last year.


Tributes from First Bus and other articles in the local press showed what a much loved character he was.

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