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living in poverty

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10 hours ago, Voice of reason said:

The £1100 a month for a family and £305 for a single person, after housing costs doesn't spell poverty though surely?

Our family of 4 spends about £100 a week on a food shop, where we buy pretty much what we fancy.

So those examples mean those people are housed and fed.

There must be other examples to show the problem.

Don't forget how poverty is being defined here. Being fed, clothed and housed as a social safety net isn't enough, we also need to include:


Sky TV (including Sports)





Branded clothing


Add those necessities in and it's a bit more of a struggle.

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East sussex council are cutting the  "meals on  wheels" budget to save £ 0.5 million

On the Meridian news the other night a woman with mental health issues was losing her M on W service and couldn't see how she was going to pay for it.

This brought tears to my eyes.

Why is it that it is the bottom of the pile suffer the most??

Perhaps you would like t watch a Meridian interview with the leader of East Sussex council justifying their budget cuts.

This is in the part of the country that posters on here say is well off.

Google this:


Council leader grilled about service cuts in East Sussex

Listen to his justification for his salary increase.

Edited by davyboy
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3 minutes ago, davyboy said:

East sussex council are cutting the  "meals on  wheels" budget to save £ 0.5 million

On the Meridian news the other night a woman with mental health issues was losing her M on W service and couldn't see how she was going to pay for it.

Perhaps you would like t watch a Meridian interview with the leader of East Sussex council justifying their budget cuts.

This is in the part of the country that posters on here say is well off.


Council leader grilled about service cuts in East Sussex

Always seems to be the wrong people that are targeted . I don't think anyone supports these kinds of things.

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29 minutes ago, WiseOwl182 said:

Don't forget how poverty is being defined here. Being fed, clothed and housed as a social safety net isn't enough, we also need to include:


Sky TV (including Sports)





Branded clothing


Add those necessities in and it's a bit more of a struggle.

I think a mobile phone is an essential. Doesn't need to be the latest I grant you for a valuable tool for job searching.

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15 minutes ago, Cyclone said:

Public libraries have been closed due to austerity, and they often have just a few computers.

Which seem to get little use - my local community library has 8 machines, and whenever I've been in there, maybe 2 or 3 are in use, but usually only one.

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