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Who next for Tory Leader/PM?

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12 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

Corbyn isn't letting anyone do anything.  Corbyn wanted a vote of no confidence in Boris  but  failed to get the support to have one because  the opposition parties don't see him as a credible alternative Prime Minister.  There were only 21 now ex Tory MPs who didn't support Boris and Corbyn hasn't  even got the real support of 21 of his own MPs.   You can make jokes about Boris but the main reason the date for the next General Election hasn't been set is because Corbyn is the real joke.

I don’t need to make jokes about him, he’s very good at doing that himself. Do you still think he’s a king?




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4 minutes ago, RJRB said:

We have already had one GE since the referendum and more people voted for Remain parties than for leaving.

i.e.Conservatives plus UKIP plus DUP lost.

A GE at this juncture solves nothing as regards Brexit.

Only a second referendum could resolve the issue one way or the other.

Both the Labour Party and the Tory Party stood in the 2017 General Elections with manifestos promising to implement the democratic 2016 EU referendum result. The Labour Party and Tory Party attracted 80% share of the 2017 General Election vote between them.   The only way to solve the issue is for the democratic 2016 EU referendum result to be implemented.  Extending the UKs departure date beyond 31st October only worsens the situation and makes more of a mockery for democracy in our country and makes our country look more foolish around the World.

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11 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

 and makes our country look more foolish around the World.

I take it from that comment that you don’t actually know how foolish we look to the rest of the world? 😵


The only thing that would go any way to restoring our reputation would be if we were to revoke Article 50 and start to repair some of the damage already done.

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17 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

Both the Labour Party and the Tory Party stood in the 2017 General Elections with manifestos promising to implement the democratic 2016 EU referendum result. The Labour Party and Tory Party attracted 80% share of the 2017 General Election vote between them.   The only way to solve the issue is for the democratic 2016 EU referendum result to be implemented.  Extending the UKs departure date beyond 31st October only worsens the situation and makes more of a mockery for democracy in our country and makes our country look more foolish around the World.

Obviously there is not an underlying wish for Brexit and the polls now show this. So perhaps we should give the democratic vote to the electorate for the referendum and then get back to runnning the country properly rather than wasting time and money on brexit.

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23 minutes ago, Litotes said:

Obviously there is not an underlying wish for Brexit and the polls now show this. So perhaps we should give the democratic vote to the electorate for the referendum and then get back to runnning the country properly rather than wasting time and money on brexit.

The recent European Election results prove the desire for our country to leave the EU hasn't lessened.  The MPs have turned down the chance of an early election which would have given our country a better chance to implement the democratic EU referendum result on 31st October meaning our country could start giving other issues the importance attention they deserve.  The new Lib Dem leader has stated she supports another referendum but wouldn't support the result if it was against her wishes.  Another referendum won't get out country running properly again unlike implementing the democratic 2016 EU referendum result will.

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48 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

Both the Labour Party and the Tory Party stood in the 2017 General Elections with manifestos promising to implement the democratic 2016 EU referendum result. The Labour Party and Tory Party attracted 80% share of the 2017 General Election vote between them.   The only way to solve the issue is for the democratic 2016 EU referendum result to be implemented.  Extending the UKs departure date beyond 31st October only worsens the situation and makes more of a mockery for democracy in our country and makes our country look more foolish around the World.

Stop referring to old results. They are not credible anymore. Too much has changed, it is the equivalent of you saying that leaving the EU with no deal is the legal default. As it has been REPEATEDLY shown, it really isn’t. 


Why not talk about the European elections we have just had? Three out of four home countries are now in the remain category. So what right does England have to impose its will in the other three without another democratic exercise in the form of a referendum? 

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3 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

The new Lib Dem leader has stated she supports another referendum but wouldn't support the result if it was against her wishes.  Another referendum won't get out country running properly again unlike implementing the democratic 2016 EU referendum result will.

Now there’s a woman who I can get behind.

I have lost trust in all the supposedly Brexit supporting MPs who have failed to back any negotiated exit.

That is what is making our Parliament a laughing stock.

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4 minutes ago, Albert the Cat said:

Stop referring to old results. They are not credible anymore. Too much has changed, it is the equivalent of you saying that leaving the EU with no deal is the legal default. As it has been REPEATEDLY shown, it really isn’t. 


Why not talk about the European elections we have just had? Three out of four home countries are now in the remain category. So what right does England have to impose its will in the other three without another democratic exercise in the form of a referendum? 

Of course recent election results are credible.   It's a fact triggering Article 50 made leaving the EU without a deal the default legal position.


I have talked about the recent European Elections which the Brexit Party won and gained more seats and had a bigger share of the vote than UKIP did in 2014.  The EU referendum was to decide whether the whole of the UK wanted to remain in the EU or leave the EU.  Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and England are all part of the UK.  There are millions of leave voters who live in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland who deserve to have their democratic wish of leaving the EU implemented just as leave voters in England do.

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1 hour ago, Lockdoctor said:

Both the Labour Party and the Tory Party stood in the 2017 General Elections with manifestos promising to implement the democratic 2016 EU referendum result. The Labour Party and Tory Party attracted 80% share of the 2017 General Election vote between them.   The only way to solve the issue is for the democratic 2016 EU referendum result to be implemented.  Extending the UKs departure date beyond 31st October only worsens the situation and makes more of a mockery for democracy in our country and makes our country look more foolish around the World.

Obviously there is not an underlying wish for Brexit and the polls now show this. So perhaps we should give the democratic vote to the electorate for the referendum and then get back to running the country properly rather than wasting time and money on brexit.

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25 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

The recent European Election results prove the desire for our country to leave the EU hasn't lessened.  

Why do you keep repeating that?


The €uro elections showed that Remain votes won a 6-10% lead over Leave votes depending on how you calculated it. Counting only those who voted, Leave got 4% more than remain in 2016 so there has been a swing from Leave to Remain of somewhere between 10-16% in 2019. Recent polling puts Remain at 55% and leave at 45%, a 14% swing to remain.


How on earth can you say that the €uro Election results prove the desire to leave hasn’t lessened? It shows the complete opposite. You really are living in your own little Brexit world. 🙄

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