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Who next for Tory Leader/PM?

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11 minutes ago, I1L2T3 said:

There you go again with others’ agendas when you have the most obvious agenda going.

So you have an agenda to protect the party you support. Even it seems at the expense of belittling the seriousness of domestic violence, and the rights of concerned citizens to make reports to the police.

The Police have looked into this case, there was no domestic violence, the Police are happy to leave it be. Nothing to see here, move on.



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7 minutes ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

The Police have looked into this case, there was no domestic violence, the Police are happy to leave it be. Nothing to see here, move on.



Well, actually there is something.


If you have an argument so loud and so violent that it can be heard from the street and from neighbouring properties then your right to privacy over the matter is gone. Completely gone. If you expect to be PM then you should be open to answering any questions raised about your conduct.


And, don’t make a mistake about me suggesting Johnson was the instigator of the violence. Quite possibly the smashing plates and glasses were being directed at him. He might actually be the victim, and in that case would we want his possibly unstable partner living in No 10?


He should just answer the questions. Simple.

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16 minutes ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

The Police have looked into this case, there was no domestic violence, the Police are happy to leave it be. Nothing to see here, move on.

The Police have not looked into the case.


They attended in response to a call by the member of the public and were reassured by both parties that there was nothing going on and that no one was in any danger. As a result they had no option but to leave the property and file the report for NFA. When someone shouts ‘get off me’ and ‘get out of my flat’ so loud that it can be heard from outside the house there is obviously something going on. 


Knowing Johnson’s track record with women I assume that like his mate Trump, he will dump her for another model and no doubt the full story of what happened on Friday night will be revealed.

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7 minutes ago, I1L2T3 said:

Well, actually there is something.


If you have an argument so loud and so violent that it can be heard from the street and from neighbouring properties then your right to privacy over the matter is gone. Completely gone. If you expect to be PM then you should be open to answering any questions raised about your conduct.


And, don’t make a mistake about me suggesting Johnson was the instigator of the violence. Quite possibly the smashing plates and glasses were being directed at him. He might actually be the victim, and in that case would we want his possibly unstable partner living in No 10?


He should just answer the questions. Simple.

The police attended the alleged incident and took no action.  I have no interest in any explanation from Boris. The only people who  are interested are people who don't want Boris to be our next Prime Minister and they seem to be the same people who don't want the democratic EU referendum result implemented.

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22 minutes ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

The Police have looked into this case, there was no domestic violence, the Police are happy to leave it be. Nothing to see here, move on.



The police aren’t the final arbiters though.


There clearly was some domestic violence, as the altercation was heard by third parties outside the property. Whether that reached the threshold for the police to get involved is neither here, nor there.


This is a man who wants to be our Prime Minister, rowing so loudly that it disturbs neighbours. A man with such a lack of self control that his minders have been trying to keep him away from the media throughout his campaign. It looks as though they reckoned without his capacity to do something truly stupid .


He wasn’t fit lead the country before this latest event. He’s even less fit now.

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11 minutes ago, Pettytom said:

There clearly was some domestic violence, as the altercation was heard by third parties outside the property. Whether that reached the threshold for the police to get involved is neither here, nor there.

In the vast majority of domestic violence cases, action isn’t taken not because the evidential threshold isn’t reached, but because there is no complaint from the victim.

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57 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

I am a Tory Party supporter. I voted to remain in the EU but i am now in favour of Brexit because that is the democratic wish of the majority.  The only way our country can move forward is for Brexit to be implemented and a pro Brexit Prime Minister is more likely to achieve that.  A month ago I thought Boris would struggle to get enough support from Tory MPs to make the final two candidates.  The European Election results and the Peterborough  by-election result have helped Boris because the Tory Party see him as the best leader to beat Corbyn in the next General Election.  Boris got over half the support of Tory MPs  and it would not be good for the Tory Party if the candidate with less than a quarter support from MPs became their new leader. 

So you don't want card carrying Tory members to have a vote.


How democratic.

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7 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

The police attended the alleged incident and took no action.  I have no interest in any explanation from Boris. The only people who  are interested are people who don't want Boris to be our next Prime Minister and they seem to be the same people who don't want the democratic EU referendum result implemented.

I’m not interested in any flannel from Boris either.The reported words of his latest partner during the argument pretty much confirm my opinion of him.

I cannot say that I dislike him as he can be an entertaining figure,but Statesman and P.M.Now that is having a laugh.

Surely some of his support must drift or are the Conservatives so desperate that a popular figure for whatever reason (life and soul of the party ) is considered as the man most likely.

He will fail to make any discernible progress on arriving at a version of Brexit acceptable to the leavers,and it is inevitable that further gaffes are just around the corner.

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2 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

So you don't want card carrying Tory members to have a vote.


How democratic.

I think Tory MPs  should choose their leader rather than the members because they are in the best position to judge who is best for the job. The Labour Party members choice to elect Corbyn as their leader which was against the wishes of Labour MPs emphasises my point.

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