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Who next for Tory Leader/PM?

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2 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

As I’m sure you’ve been reminded many times, leave won a slight majority of those who participated yes, but a minority of the electorate and an even bigger minority of UK citizens.


Trying to make a democratic argument for leaving the EU makes you look silly. Even trying to say that 80% of electors voted for a Brexit party in 2017 is nonsense as the majority of Labour supporters prefer to remain and certainly didn’t vote Labour in 2017 in the hope that Corbyn would take the UK out of the EU.


Your discredited referendum was over three years ago now and at some point you need to let it go! 😵

I'm sure it's been mentioned before about the % of the electorate that leads to a government being formed? It's been done many times over the decades, and with a much lower number than voted in the referendum.

Those governments have shut down industries, reformed the NHS and took us to war. Presumably that is also discredited too?

1 hour ago, Top Cats Hat said:

What the poster known as Lockdoctor and others repeatedly refuse to acknowledge, is that the 2016 referendum was an advisory only vote with no legislative power of enforcement. It doesn’t matter a jot what various corrupt and discredited politicians said at the time, the only thing which had any legitimacy was the Act of Parliament  which allowed the referendum.


When the referendum was held, 35% of the electorate voted remain and 36% voted to leave, so the result was only 1% between the two options and neither side reached even 40% let alone a majority.


Trying to claim that an inconclusive, advisory only referendum which showed that there was no majority popular will to leave the EU, as some kind of democratic mandate, is clearly bonkers.

I think you mentioned that before. 🙄

You always seem to miss the fact that everybody else knew the result was supposed to be implemented.

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26 minutes ago, Voice of reason said:


You always seem to miss the fact that everybody else knew the result was supposed to be implemented.

Top Cats Hat also misses the fact our Parliamentary Democracy passed legislation to put into law that our country was going to leave the EU and Article 50 was triggered.  After this legislation was passed in Parliament the issue of the referendum being advisory became irrelevant because our Parliamentary Democracy had decided by a large margin to accept the advice our democratic people gave them on 23rd June 2016.  The issue of the EU being advisory is as irrelevant as the comical cherry-picked statistics Top Cats Hat keeps recycling like a stuck record.

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3 minutes ago, GivenToFly said:

Regarding this private life thing with Boris, its reached a point now it seems that people respect his stance of no comment and journalist after journalist are just making an ass of themselves now by asking him about it.

What makes you think that people “respect his stance”?

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3 minutes ago, GivenToFly said:

Regarding this private life thing with Boris, its reached a point now it seems that people respect his stance of no comment and journalist after journalist are just making an ass of themselves now by asking him about it.

They need to move on. There's enough over stuff to grill him on. He's proposing increasing the threshold for higher rate taxpayers for example. Is that really worth spending billions on?

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5 hours ago, Borista336 said:

anyone's private life is just that private, prime minister in waiting or not makes no odds. as long as no criminal offence is being committed .

I wasn't just referring to his private life, I was referring to his public utterances, the public money he has wasted on various vanity schemes, the lies that he has told, the actions of him whilst a journalist, MP and minister.

Edited by Mister M
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5 hours ago, JamesR123 said:

You think recording people in their home is public spirited?


Forget that Boris Johnson is a dirt bag and concentrate on the fact that two scumbags (who brag on Twitter about sticking their finger up at Boris) recorded a private discussion and released it to the media.


Lower than a rat.

Of course it’s public spirited. If somebody thought you were being attacked in your property would you not want them to record it? 



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19 minutes ago, GivenToFly said:

Regarding this private life thing with Boris, its reached a point now it seems that people respect his stance of no comment and journalist after journalist are just making an ass of themselves now by asking him about it.

It suits him doesn’t it because they are focusing on that rather than his policies. Which is very convenient for him because he has no policies.

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So lets look at Bojo the clowns recent pledge


Boris Johnson, the favourite to succeed Theresa May as Conservative leader and prime minister, has pledged to bring different parts of the UK together if he wins power and address the economic and political disparities which fuelled the Brexit vote.



economic disparities between different areas eh? could that be due to almost 40 years of solid tory rule (apart from the blip of tory lite Nulabore) and their endless attacks on industry, the working, the poor, those less fortunate, the unemployed, the disabled, poorer areas, large industrial areas? including 10 years of heavy austerity.


Maybe thats the problem and NOT the EU? just a thought.

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