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Who next for Tory Leader/PM?

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9 hours ago, I1L2T3 said:

Having watched the interview where Johnson discusses making model buses out of wine boxes it is possible he:


1. Has no inner voice or filter and his just spewing forth a stream of consciousness

2. He’s high as a kite on illicit drugs

or powerful  prescription medication


He can’t run our country

Boris did a good job when he was Mayor of London.


It's not uncommon for a Prime Minister to have a hobby. Sir Winston Churchill liked painting, Sir Edward Heath enjoyed sailing and Sir John Major played cricket.  I think the do or die attitude towards implementing the democratic EU referendum result went down well with the Tory members.

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On 25/05/2019 at 13:09, tinfoilhat said:

If memory serves, Boris, as foreign secretary, signed off the back stop.


Part of me wants him to get it. That same part of me wants him to bring farage into negotiations, then watch as they both fail so spectacularly that their brand of divisive, populist is banished for decades.


If hunt gets it - I think he will - it's just more soulless, useless grey ineptitude and 3 more years of going nowhere.

100% agree

On 25/05/2019 at 17:17, Bash Street said:

Just seen Steve Baker on Twitter saying he's seriously considering it. I think he'd get my vote if he makes the last two.

You a Tory party member then ?

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Boris is living proof that irrespective of how much grey matter you have an Eton education, lots of money and the right connections can get you anywhere, as long as there are lots of forelock tuggers willing to be impressed I suppose.


Reminds of an episode of Fawlty Towers where super snob Basil is impressed by a fake conman Lord

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13 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Looking at all the crap this couple are getting, it was a very smart move for them to record it and lodge a copy of the recording with a trusted newspaper.

Clutching at straws now aren't you?


Concern for a couple arguing late at night:

Ring the police - good idea.

Record the argument - very good idea in case it turns very nasty or the police want proof.


Police visit, all is OK, neighbours are reassured - yet they go running to the Guardian - not cool.


And it transpires they're left supporting remainers who feel proud to have given Boris the finger.    I love how they've been bitten by the very media they were hoping would bring down Boris.


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14 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

These aren’t multiple occupancy houses with stud partition walls stuck up to house benefit claimants. They are large Victorian houses where the whole of each floor is a self contained flat. The only conversion is to put an internal front door on each landing to separate each dwelling.


As I said earlier, they are incredibly soundproof and unless you have a window open, you can’t hear anyone else’s business and they can’t hear yours.

Wrong.  I lived in a converted Victorian house.  Very solid walls so you can hear little from adjoining rooms.


But you can hear noise on the landings, the stairwells and flats above and below.

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57 minutes ago, alchresearch said:

But you can hear noise on the landings, the stairwells and flats above and below.

I believe one of the comments made during the argument was about red wine spilled on a sofa so very unlikely that they were on a landing or a stairwell.


I have previously said that he looks as though he is having some kind of a breakdown but the suggestion that he could be on some form of medication has it’s merit. There was a suggestion on Newsnight last night that the real reason that Johnson is refusing to say when  the ‘happy couple’ photo was taken was not because it wasn’t taken after the row, but actually dates from a time when he was was still supposed to be happily married to his wife. 😵

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1 hour ago, Top Cats Hat said:

I believe one of the comments made during the argument was about red wine spilled on a sofa so very unlikely that they were on a landing or a stairwell.


I have previously said that he looks as though he is having some kind of a breakdown but the suggestion that he could be on some form of medication has it’s merit. There was a suggestion on Newsnight last night that the real reason that Johnson is refusing to say when  the ‘happy couple’ photo was taken was not because it wasn’t taken after the row, but actually dates from a time when he was was still supposed to be happily married to his wife. 😵

What a cynical thing to say

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