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Who next for Tory Leader/PM?

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1 hour ago, Lockdoctor said:

We will have to wait and see what the EU's response is when Boris is our Prime Minister.  We don't know yet whether the EU will be prepared to renegotiate . If there are no re-negotiations then there is no doubt Boris will suspend Parliament if necessary to prevent Parliament blocking the implementation of the democratic 2016 EU referendum result.

A legal opinion published today has deemed this act wholly unconstitutional.


Which is pretty unsurprising when you consider that, in the UK, under UK constitutional principles, sovereignty vests in Parliament.


The UK wouldn't be much of a democracy, if the executive could ride roughshod of the legislative every time it can't get its way. More like a dictatorship, tbh.

1 hour ago, geared said:

I know I'm stupidly late to the party here, but we won't actually have the results of this leadership contest till late July??


So the extension we were given by the EU, which they were very clear we should not just waste, is being eaten up by the drawn out procedure of putting Boris in number 10??

By the time you've added all the leadership electioneering delays/timescales, the summer recess, this, that and the other, Bojo or Hunt will basically have 4 working weeks to get it sorted this autumn.


If there's no 2019 GE or 2019 referendum coming, you ain't getting any extension.


The EU Commission closed their Scottish offices today. By the way.

Edited by L00b
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9 minutes ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

And here is me thinking leave on the 31 October 2019 is the default position if no deal is made.



You think right. Only our Prime Minister can ask for an extension.  If our Prime Minister doesn't ask for an extension and there are no agreements made between the UK and the EU then the UK will leave the EU on 31st October without a deal meaning the democratic 2016 EU referendum result will be implemented.

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6 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

You think right. Only our Prime Minister can ask for an extension.  If our Prime Minister doesn't ask for an extension and there are no agreements made between the UK and the EU then the UK will leave the EU on 31st October without a deal meaning the democratic 2016 EU referendum result will be implemented.

Can't remember "no deal" being on the referendum ballot paper.


The line taken by the main leave campaign fronted by Johnson was that we musn't rush into anything, we should take our time, and negotiate a new deal.




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18 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

You think right. Only our Prime Minister can ask for an extension.  If our Prime Minister doesn't ask for an extension and there are no agreements made between the UK and the EU then the UK will leave the EU on 31st October without a deal meaning the democratic 2016 EU referendum result will be implemented.

And then the PM will lose the next GE.... you think Boris wants to be PM for a few weeks?

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17 minutes ago, Longcol said:

Can't remember "no deal" being on the referendum ballot paper.


The line taken by the main leave campaign fronted by Johnson was that we musn't rush into anything, we should take our time, and negotiate a new deal.




Remain  and Leave were on the ballot paper.  After the democratic EU referendum result parliament overwhelmingly voted to trigger Article 50  making a no deal the default legal position if Parliament didn't support the deal on offer from the EU.   Walking away from deals is standard practice when one side doesn't support a deal on offer.  


We are where we are now and it is pointless going back over three years analysing the campaigns before the EU referendum vote.


12 minutes ago, Magilla said:

And then the PM will lose the next GE.... you think Boris wants to be PM for a few weeks?

Why do you think that?

Edited by Lockdoctor
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7 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Do you seriously think that a Prime Minister who suspends Parliament in order to bounce the UK out of the EU against the wishes of the people would win another election?


Seriously? 🙄

Leaving the EU isn't against the wishes of the people because the democratic people voted by a majority to leave the EU.  The recent European Election results prove the desire of the democratic UK people to leave the EU hasn't diminished since the democratic 2016 EU referendum result.


Seriously your logic doesn't make sense because Boris is likely to win a landslide victory in the next General Election after he has implemented the democratic 2016 EU referendum result.

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Is this the same Boris who can’t articulate his policies when interviewed? The same one who isn’t allowed out in public by his minders? The same one who is so very clumsy when trying to hijack Google search results?


The same racist Boris who has proven himself to be incapable of mastering his brief, over and over again.?


Three months and he’s toast 

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11 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

Leaving the EU isn't against the wishes of the people because the democratic people voted by a majority to leave the EU.  The recent European Election results prove the desire of the democratic UK people to leave the EU hasn't diminished since the democratic 2016 EU referendum result.


Seriously your logic doesn't make sense because Boris is likely to win a landslide victory in the next General Election after he has implemented the democratic 2016 EU referendum result.

What a load of nonsense.

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