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Who next for Tory Leader/PM?

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20 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

Leaving the EU isn't against the wishes of the people  



How come every credible poll in the last three years shown a majority in favour of Remain?


How come the Remain vote was greater than the Leave vote in the recent €uro elections?


By all means bang on about respecting the 2016 referendum but at least have the stones to admit that this will be against the wishes of the people.

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19 minutes ago, I1L2T3 said:

There is not one leaver who has ever offered a credible explanation of what it really means for the U.K.


Not a single one.

Without wanting to appear rude, most leave supporters don’t actually know what the EU is  or does, other than ‘they’re foreign and we don’t really like them’ so it’s no wonder you struggle to find anyone who can explain the implications of leaving.

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At the risk of repeating myself...

Obviously the new PM/Brexit are intrinsically linked.

This is the new PM thread. Its ok to discuss Brexit if its relevant to that, but if you want to solely discuss Brexit please do so on the existing thread.

Thank you.

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7 hours ago, I1L2T3 said:

The problem is if we leave then what happens next.


There is not one leaver who has ever offered a credible explanation of what it really means for the U.K.


Not a single one.

According to Boris' team, if he becomes PM, what happens next is a September emergency budget accomodating no deal Brexit, with aggressive tax cuts, stamp duty overhaul and slashing regulations.


The recipe for hyper-austerity, basically.


If you PM me your details, we'll send food parcels and OTC meds ;)

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12 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:



How come every credible poll in the last three years shown a majority in favour of Remain?


How come the Remain vote was greater than the Leave vote in the recent €uro elections?


By all means bang on about respecting the 2016 referendum but at least have the stones to admit that this will be against the wishes of the people.

There was no remain vote in the European Elections.  Each voter had to choose which political party they wished to represent their interests in the European Parliament.  There was only one reason why voters chose the Brexit Party to represent their interests.  The Brexit Party won the European Election election in our country and the result has influence the leadership race to become our country's Prime Minister which explains why Boris will be our country's next Prime Minister.


11 hours ago, melthebell said:

he lies and backstabs to suit his agenda...how many more times do you need telling mr gullible

I am not gullible at all.  You seem to be confused by what is a lie and what is a pledge.  Can you name me one Prime Minister who has delivered all their pledges ?  Theresa May pledged to implement Brexit but has failed, but that doesn't make her a liar.


The people of London must have been happy that Boris delivered a good amount of pledges otherwise they wouldn't have re-elected him to be their Mayor again.  Boris has pledged to implement Brexit by 31st October and we will know by the 1st of November if he has delivered this pledge.  Unlike you, I have an open mind and am prepared to give Boris a chance to deliver his pledges when he becomes our country's Prime Minister.

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1 hour ago, Lockdoctor said:

Theresa May pledged to implement Brexit but has failed, but that doesn't make her a liar.

Delivering Brexit was not in Theresa May’s gift. Only Parliament can do that and Boris will have the same Parliament (probably less one Leave supporting MP and plus one Remain MP).


The clown is now promising us that the children will still have Mars bars after a no deal Brexit!

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4 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:


The clown is now promising us that the children will still have Mars bars after a no deal Brexit!

Such ambition! :D


2016: Brexit will make us £350m a week richer

2019: we'll have water, and children will have Mars bars



Edited by L00b
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