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Who next for Tory Leader/PM?

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1 hour ago, Top Cats Hat said:

These people really should be in jail but without a written constitution is unlikely ever to happen. Let’s hope they are decimated at the next General Election.

But who is going to decimate them, as you so nicely put it?  The Lib Dems aren't strong enough yet and Labour won't get anywhere with the lame duck.


This article is pretty good about the feelings of remainers and Labour:


These days, when Corbyn comes out with his “definitely/maybe/people’s vote” guff, the majority groan, jeer or say they no longer trust him and won’t vote for Labour.


Worse, sometimes people don’t even react or care. Remain supporters have learned how to live without Labour.



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49 minutes ago, bendix said:

Furthermore Angel1 seems to be under the impression that being part of the EU means we can't trade with countries outside the EU.  We can.  Just in the last few months the EU has signed trade deals with Canada, Singapore and - just this week - the equivalent trading block of South America.


We, of course, will be excluded from all these deals once we leave the EU meaning . . well . . we can only trade with them on WTO terms, not the better terms we would have had as part of the EU.


Never mind.  We will survive thanks to the continuity deals signed so far with Liechenstein, Palestine, The Faroe Island, Norway and Israel.


Brexit - living the dream.

And South Korea as well to be fair. But, the big economies and trading blocks will be queuing up to give deals. Crap deals that benefit them more than us.

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4 hours ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

By going out into the big wide world and selling our wares and services. 

Good luck with that!


If we walk away from the EU sticking two fingers up and saying they can whistle for their £49 billion yes, we will have every country in the world queuing up to do deals with a desperate UK.


But those deals will be massively in their favour and almost all of them will be asking for work/residency/visa rights for their own citizens.

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4 hours ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

By going out into the big wide world and selling our wares and services. After all the EU is only around 15% of the worlds trade, gives us 85% to do deals with. Notwithstanding the trade we will still do with the EU after Brexit, as they send more to us than we do them. Food for thought for the remoaners to digest.



Do you think we don't do that now? 

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20 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

You are one of my favourite right wing posters on here for lolz!


You start off by saying that Muslims are a religion not a race then make a direct comparison between Muslims and other non Muslims based on colour! 😂

No, I was making the statistical comparison to illuminate the proportions involved in what Tinfoil hat was saying. He was comparing the two populations, I was merely pointing out the apples and pears element, as well as the differing sizes.


You're my second favourite lefty on here. You never fail to miss the point. 

11 hours ago, Ridgewalk said:

I'm guessing that 99% of Muslims  are black or brown, but racists think that the 1% gets them off the hook.



You mean like, say, Labour with Israel and Judaism?

Edited by WiseOwl182
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12 hours ago, L00b said:

But would it be the end of nationalist populism?


I think it would just exacerbate it. And I think that is (still) the sales plan.

No it wouldn’t. But it would also destroy the next in line because it can’t work. Populism never works because slogans and rhetoric never translate into practicable solutions. Note the way Tories use Venezuela to attack  Corbyn without any realisation that they are now effectively a populist party peddling arguably what is also a populist ideology.


Sure, the EU is flawed but history is going to judge the U.K. membership as being as good as it could ever get. 

Edited by I1L2T3
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