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Who next for Tory Leader/PM?

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8 minutes ago, Borista336 said:

oh i am sorry i didnt know you and SF had prior knowledge of the plans Boris intends to implement?? i certainly dont ! shall we just see and judge afterwards?? 

Unfortunately he didn't articulate his plans, just waffled on about optimism. Which was good enough for the majority of the Tory Party faithful who voted for him. Unfortunately I don't share their view that he is charismatic, and that that is good enough to be PM.



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10 minutes ago, Borista336 said:

oh i am sorry i didnt know you and SF had prior knowledge of the plans Boris intends to implement??

I’m assuming that having been asked countless times during the leadership campaign and having repeatedly refused to answer, means that he doesn’t have one.


After all, if you are not going to tell people when you are standing for PM then when exactly are you going to tell people?

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28 minutes ago, Pettytom said:

What things did he get done when he was foreign secretary?


Aside from getting women longer jail sentences in Iran, of course 

And bought water cannons as London mayor that we didn't need

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33 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

I’m assuming that having been asked countless times during the leadership campaign and having repeatedly refused to answer, means that he doesn’t have one.


After all, if you are not going to tell people when you are standing for PM then when exactly are you going to tell people?

he didnt need to tell anyone as the 66% percent pro Boris vote shows? or would you like another vote on that?

10 minutes ago, melthebell said:

And bought water cannons as London mayor that we didn't need

i think we might just need some more if the rabble rousers get uppity!

40 minutes ago, Pettytom said:

What things did he get done when he was foreign secretary?


Aside from getting women longer jail sentences in Iran, of course 

maybe he knows something we dont, i doubt she is being kept unless there are plenty of reasons to keep her.

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8 minutes ago, Borista336 said:

exactly! and thats all that was required so stop wining and whinging about it all the anti haters!

You do know that on a discussion forum a debate is to be expected. That is whining and whinging. People are allowed to have different opinions - don't like it, don't join in.

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22 minutes ago, Borista336 said:


maybe he knows something we dont, i doubt she is being kept unless there are plenty of reasons to keep her.

What things did he get done when he was foreign secretary?

12 minutes ago, Borista336 said:

exactly! and thats all that was required so stop wining and whinging about it all the anti haters!

He was voted in by Tory kids.


Fancy having 16 year olds elect a PM.

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1 minute ago, Mister M said:

You do know that on a discussion forum a debate is to be expected. That is whining and whinging. People are allowed to have different opinions - don't like it, don't join in.

of course i love it the whining and whinging but sometimes its pointless as in this case.

5 minutes ago, Pettytom said:

What things did he get done when he was foreign secretary?

what do you think he should have done and didnt?? he did pretty well as mayor of London?

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Most discussions on here are pointless in that sense because they are outside people's control. 

He's been made the PM by virtue of Theresa May leaving, and people have not had a say at the ballot box. So discussing it on a Forum is hardly whining. Pointless or not, I'll continue to have my say.


8 minutes ago, Pettytom said:

What things did he get done when he was foreign secretary?

He was voted in by Tory kids.


Fancy having 16 year olds elect a PM.

I had no idea that 16 yr olds were allowed to vote for the Tory party leadership! Whenever the discussion of lowering the age of consent for voting is discussed, the Tories are the most opposed to it. Seems hypocritical to me.

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