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When is it ok to have an abortion?

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On 04/06/2019 at 00:17, ECCOnoob said:

People can argue all they want.  People can make their own warped interpretations but the fact is clear.   That fetus is nothing more than part of a womans body until it is born, snipped off and surviving on its own.



Finally we have clarity! You should be employed at the local maternity unit to explain this to the women who suffered a late term miscarriage. Im sure they would no longer feel like they lost a baby.

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I don’t know of any health care professional who would terminate a viable foetus other than for a foetal abnormality incompatible with life.  Given current ante natal diagnostics such occurrences are rare. After many years working in gynaecology and obstetrics I’ve not met any woman, and very few men, who have taken the decision to abort a pregnancy without much soul searching 

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On 03/06/2019 at 18:50, ez8004 said:

You can abort at any time as defined in law. To argue otherwise is a waste of time and pointless. 


If everyone had your attitude then abortion would be illegal and slavery would still be legal.


Discussions are the pre-cursor to law change.



On 03/06/2019 at 21:31, SnailyBoy said:

Choice of bodily autonomy is a sound bite, seriously?


An unborn foetus isn't a person, the woman providing for the unborn foetus is the only person in this case.


It should be her choice if she wishes to continue with that. Not yours.

Should we all, as a society, not have an input?


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19 hours ago, JamesR123 said:



Should we all, as a society, not have an input?


Let me get clarification on that. Are you asking if society should have an input in whether or not a woman can have an abortion, or whether or not she can have a baby?


My personal opinion is that the amount of influence and opinion anyone can have over whether or not a woman chooses to have a baby is in direct proportion to the amount of input that that person or institution is going to have on bringing up that child.  All these pro-life campaigners wittering on about how a woman must have a baby are nowhere to be seen once shes had that baby.  Says it all really.

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I'm against abortion but I'd never go after women in terms of forbidding them from having an abortion or punishing them having one, its their bodies after all. We need to address the culture of carelessness around family planning.

Edited by Dontquoteme
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11 hours ago, alchemist said:

Let me get clarification on that. Are you asking if society should have an input in whether or not a woman can have an abortion, or whether or not she can have a baby?


My personal opinion is that the amount of influence and opinion anyone can have over whether or not a woman chooses to have a baby is in direct proportion to the amount of input that that person or institution is going to have on bringing up that child.  All these pro-life campaigners wittering on about how a woman must have a baby are nowhere to be seen once shes had that baby.  Says it all really.

I think it was that society should have an input on the acceptable timeframe for abortions to be available in "normal" circumstances.

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