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No flag raised on the Cenotaph for D Day anniversary

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12 hours ago, Ontarian1981 said:

The Cenotaphs are there to remember all the war dead not just the ones on D Day. Today was a celebration of an event that began the end of Hitler and his Nazis.

This is the main problem I have with D-Day commemorations - they ignore the efforts of the "D-Day dodgers" who'd been fighting in Italy for the previous year and the Russians who been fighting for the previous two years.


There was a good article on overblown commemorations in yesterday's Guardian:

The airwaves have been filled this week with tearful veterans and mournful politicians recalling D-day 1944. That is appropriate when the participants are still among us and when war’s emotions are a living memory – we should thank those who fought to make us safe. Something at least can unite the British, even if it is only the past. But when the remembering is over, then what?

Recalling past wars is the most dangerous thing a nation can do. Too much remembering has lain at the root of almost every conflict in Europe’s history. We say we learn war’s lessons, but we seldom do. Memory distorts and emotionalises history. By its nature it dwells on grievance, enmity and retribution. Why is it we all recall war but never peace?

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22 hours ago, lil-minx92 said:

According to a post on Facebook our Council has neglected to raise a flag on the Cenotaph in Barkers Pool in remembrance on the 75th anniversary of D Day.  


An oversight, a conscious decision, or just not necessary?

Because it isn't a flagpole?

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13 hours ago, LizzieBirdswrth said:

WW2 was never about defeating Hitler. Look, i wont take this thread of a tangent, i have given my opinion and usually I am happy to leave it at that so I will say then and then leave this topic be.

Follow the money. The same people who funded the Allies war effort were the same who funded "The other side". As they say, History is written by the winners so its no wonder we are taught a warped version about WW2. The modern day is no different. The internet is a wonderful thing. So much information at the touch of a button. Use it. Dont be left ignorant believing what you were taught at school.

I'm not sure this is true. Hitler was funded by wealthy german industrialists from I can recall, we were certainly not.


In any case it's not really relevant. Even if the same person funded Hitler early on and us later on, its objectively true that we needed to defeat him and should commemorate those that made the sacrifice to do so.



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23 hours ago, lil-minx92 said:

According to a post on Facebook our Council has neglected to raise a flag on the Cenotaph in Barkers Pool in remembrance on the 75th anniversary of D Day.  


An oversight, a conscious decision, or just not necessary?

To get back to the original question, the Cenotaph is the responsibility of The British Legion and they chose not to put a flag up. They have protocols governing when flags can be raised and anniversaries are not included.

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19 hours ago, LizzieBirdswrth said:

Good. Its all a bit too much all this "commemorating" of past wars. Why not call it what it is?

Indoctrinating people into risking their lives in rich mens wars and calling it "remembrance" and "patriotism" . The rich and the privileged get richer and more privileged whilst the commoner has to send their kids to die.

Sounds like a bad deal to me.

Yeh! Let World Domination by a Tyrant/Mad Man happen. :loopy:

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4 hours ago, altus said:

This is the main problem I have with D-Day commemorations - they ignore the efforts of the "D-Day dodgers" who'd been fighting in Italy for the previous year and the Russians who been fighting for the previous two years.


There was a good article on overblown commemorations in yesterday's Guardian:


Yes indeed Hitler being forced use a ton of men and munitions on both the Eastern front and in Italy was key to the success of June 6th 1944. Had those two fronts not existed Hitler's Atlantic sea wall would have been much more heavily defended and DDay would have been called off. Worse still it might have gone ahead and we would likely have had another Dunkirk with thousands of allied troops trapped on the beaches,unable to establish beacheads.

3 hours ago, InigoMontoya said:

Because it isn't a flagpole?

Good answer, wreaths are laid at cenotaphs not flags raised.

Edited by Ontarian1981
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