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The US / Iran war...

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They just took out another convoy of Shia Militia leaders about an hour ago. Hezbollah leader confirmed dead.


If I were an Iranian proxy leader in Iraq right now, I'd probably stay indoors.  Or in a bunker. Remember their have been plenty of opportunities for Trump to escalate from the downing of drones to seizing tankers. He did actually say harm an American and heads will roll. They tested this and lost.



Embassies are treated as sovereign soil. They won't allow another Benghazi. Now I wonder who planned that attack?  (see link below) You cannot attack an American Embassy and think no reprisals will be done. The belongings of Suleimani show he was carrying multiple currencies including Syrian Pounds and Lebonese pounds and had popped up in Baghdad to coordinate the attacks on the American embassy after visiting Syria and Lebanon. I think Israel had eyes on him constantly.




Words sometimes mean nothing to people. Only force does. There are videos all over twitter of Iraqis and Iranians in the streets cheering.





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6 hours ago, XXTickerXX said:

They just took out another convoy of Shia Militia leaders about an hour ago. Hezbollah leader confirmed dead...




Another tedious apology for violence, war, and hate. Trump's assassination of Soleimani will lead only to further violence and bloodshed.

Many more, including Americans will die.

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I don’t think that’s a fair comment,  XXTickerXX’s post is factually correct and shows a balanced view of the events leading upto the current situation.

He is also correct that Sunni Muslims will be celebrating the assassination as Soleimani was responsible for many thousands of Sunni deaths.

I personally still think it’s a dangerous move to take him out but also appreciate the carnage this guy was causing across the Middle East.

Certainly there will be some form of revenge from Iran with more deaths, but it’s naive to think  that those deaths wouldn’t have occurred anyway as they were happening on a daily basis due to Soleimani.

Also let’s not pretend he was some kind of freedom fighter railing against Western intervention in the Middle East, he was purely pushing Iran’s personal agenda against Sunni Muslims spreading hate and death all over the region.

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Is a US / Iran war now even more likely? Will the UK get pulled in to it?


On 11/07/2019 at 21:42, melthebell said:

and the fact weve been under americas thumb for decades

Agree with this. Seems like a very one sided relationship to me.

Edited by Waldo
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2 hours ago, Waldo said:

Is a US / Iran war now even more likely? Will the UK get pulled in to it?


Agree with this. Seems like a very one sided relationship to me.

The u k. is in it just as much as the americans. We have to back trump all the way no room 

for pacifists now / Hit the iranians hard now show them who is boss let the isralis loose as well as they have threatened to destroy the whole nation well done trump 

Edited by spider1
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2 hours ago, spider1 said:

The u k. is in it just as much as the americans. We have to back trump all the way no room 

for pacifists now / Hit the iranians hard now show them who is boss let the isralis loose as well as they have threatened to destroy the whole nation well done trump 

When are they shipping you out to the Middle East ?

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Get ready to welcome the Iranian refugees when this all kicks off.


Those pushing for war have to face the reality that millions of innocent people will become displaced.


So UK will take its share, as will others.

Adding to the Syrians, Afghans, Iraqis and Libyans already resettled- hooray.. we are going to need more mosques.

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12 hours ago, XXTickerXX said:

He [Trump} did actually say harm an American and heads will roll.


Couldn't Trumpet have simply offered his thoughts and prayers to the families of the victims instead?  That's usually enough.

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