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The US / Iran war...

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Iran already makes people pay for standing against them. Anywhere in a civilised society this would be front page news. Obviously orange man bad and let's support the slaughter of women.






There are video's that I won't link to of them pulling  bodies from the water.


But the US kills one terrorist that has killed hundreds of innocents and the left has outrage? Take a look at what's trending on twitter at the moment.


Just take a moment to venture outside the bubble and see what real life is.





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6 hours ago, XXTickerXX said:

Iran already makes people pay for standing against them. Anywhere in a civilised society this would be front page news. Obviously orange man bad and let's support the slaughter of women...



Another stomach turning apologia for murder, terrorism and war. Doubtless you'd support the destruction of cultural sites too if it comes to that.

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45 minutes ago, Halibut said:

Another stomach turning apologia for murder, terrorism and war. Doubtless you'd support the destruction of cultural sites too if it comes to that.

Considering the reference to "cultural sites" is where Iran hides it's nuclear capabilities and military capabilities and are used to stage attacks, then yes. Absolutely. The Iranian government and military hides their nuclear research facilities and weapons in areas that they themselves have designated “cultural sites” in order to protect them from bombing. We can see whose side you are on Halibut.


Do you think Islamist's care about cultural heritage? Take a look at all they purposely destroyed in Syria and elsewhere.

The same guys were dynamiting 4000 year old Babylon, and Assyrian temples. They blew up the two giant Bhudda statues.


Sadly most terrorists hide under hospitals, schools, etc . That's why your hero Obama blew up so many, because they targeted the mobile phone they were carrying. I missed your outrage then though.


For the less educated out there who just want to wake up and be in a state of perpetual outrage at something let's just put it in simple easy words for you.......


The "52 targets" are oil fields and missile sites and senior leaders.

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1 minute ago, XXTickerXX said:

Considering the reference to "cultural sites" is where Iran hides it's nuclear capabilities and military capabilities and are used to stage attacks, then yes. Absolutely. The Iranian government and military hides their nuclear research facilities and weapons in areas that they themselves have designated “cultural sites” in order to protect them from bombing. We can see whose side you are on Halibut.


Do you think Islamist's care about cultural heritage? Take a look at all they purposely destroyed in Syria and elsewhere.

The same guys were dynamiting 4000 year old Babylon, and Assyrian temples. They blew up the two giant Bhudda statues.


Sadly most terrorists hide under hospitals, schools, etc . That's why your hero Obama blew up so many, because they targeted the mobile phone they were carrying. I missed your outrage then though.


For the less educated out there who just want to wake up and be in a state of perpetual outrage at something let's just put it in simple easy words for you.......


The "52 targets" are oil fields and missile sites and senior leaders.

More apologies for terror, oppression and murder. Repellent.

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13 hours ago, BobOfRoth said:

Wrong. Its got zero to do with impeachment. The Iran plan has been on the cards and in the planning for years.

Still, coincidence that it just happened now.


Trump is doing this to steer attention away on him in regards to the impeachment- same way his buddy Netanyahu did with the corruption charges.

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9 hours ago, XXTickerXX said:

Iran already makes people pay for standing against them. Anywhere in a civilised society this would be front page news. Obviously orange man bad and let's support the slaughter of women.






There are video's that I won't link to of them pulling  bodies from the water.


But the US kills one terrorist that has killed hundreds of innocents and the left has outrage? Take a look at what's trending on twitter at the moment.


Just take a moment to venture outside the bubble and see what real life is.





Is anyone really arguing Soleimani didn't deserve it? I think he did deserve it, yet I also think Trump had no right to make this decision to execute him and even if he did, it was clearly a stupid thing to do and won't make the middle east a better place.


Just look at Syria to see that toppling a regime might not be in anyones interests because of what would fill the vacuum. No-one now could argue the civilians in Syria are better off than they were under Assad - and thats despite the fact it was a brutal dictatorship that routinely tortured and executed its own citizens.


And if it's only about killing bad people why isn't Trump also running drone strikes on senior Saudi's who fund terrorism in the middle east? Apparently Sunni's have in fact killed far more Americans than the Iranian backed Shias....


So its not anywhere near as simple as just saying Iran is bad and let's kill them all.




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1 hour ago, XXTickerXX said:

Considering the reference to "cultural sites" is where Iran hides it's nuclear capabilities and military capabilities and are used to stage attacks, then yes. Absolutely. The Iranian government and military hides their nuclear research facilities and weapons in areas that they themselves have designated “cultural sites” in order to protect them from bombing. We can see whose side you are on Halibut.


Do you think Islamist's care about cultural heritage? Take a look at all they purposely destroyed in Syria and elsewhere.

The same guys were dynamiting 4000 year old Babylon, and Assyrian temples. They blew up the two giant Bhudda statues.


Sadly most terrorists hide under hospitals, schools, etc . That's why your hero Obama blew up so many, because they targeted the mobile phone they were carrying. I missed your outrage then though.


For the less educated out there who just want to wake up and be in a state of perpetual outrage at something let's just put it in simple easy words for you.......


The "52 targets" are oil fields and missile sites and senior leaders.

it's nuclear capabilities..??? It doesn't have any?

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