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The US / Iran war...

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5 hours ago, banjodeano said:

it's nuclear capabilities..??? It doesn't have any?

Maybe not at this moment in time. But they are trying their best get the capability. Then you can bet your life the Saudis will do the same. Then it becomes a different ball game altogether especially when the Israelis get involved which they will.

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7 hours ago, XXTickerXX said:

Considering the reference to "cultural sites" is where Iran hides it's nuclear capabilities and military capabilities and are used to stage attacks, then yes. Absolutely. The Iranian government and military hides their nuclear research facilities and weapons in areas that they themselves have designated “cultural sites” in order to protect them from bombing. We can see whose side you are on Halibut.


Do you think Islamist's care about cultural heritage? Take a look at all they purposely destroyed in Syria and elsewhere.

The same guys were dynamiting 4000 year old Babylon, and Assyrian temples. They blew up the two giant Bhudda statues.


Sadly most terrorists hide under hospitals, schools, etc . That's why your hero Obama blew up so many, because they targeted the mobile phone they were carrying. I missed your outrage then though.


For the less educated out there who just want to wake up and be in a state of perpetual outrage at something let's just put it in simple easy words for you.......


The "52 targets" are oil fields and missile sites and senior leaders.

I suspect Trump thinks cultural sites are mainly golf clubs, brothels and casinos.

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3 hours ago, banjodeano said:

Iran doesn't have any nuclear bombs at this time...

but they have a nuclear "capability", nobody says it wasnt any good, or that they had bombs, its still enough to warrent international checks and safeguards

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18 hours ago, melthebell said:

Theyve already said they will make Iraq pay back for that "very expensive" (trumps words) air base they built there if they get thrown out of the country

Whats the bet Trump means expensive in terms of money and not expensive in terms of the lives that could be lost. Still, he is a business man and money is King in the world of business.

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4 minutes ago, BobOfRoth said:

Whats the bet Trump means expensive in terms of money and not expensive in terms of the lives that could be lost. Still, he is a business man and money is King in the world of business.

He did mean money, it was talking about sanctions if they expel them, seems like it would be against international law to sanction a sovereign country expelling a foriegn power from their country when they do something "dodgy" while in their country which could destabilise your neighbours and region but what do i know?

I imagine trumps looked through the whole scenario before shooting his mouth off?

Edited by melthebell
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7 hours ago, Mr Fisk said:

Still, coincidence that it just happened now.


Trump is doing this to steer attention away on him in regards to the impeachment- same way his buddy Netanyahu did with the corruption charges.

Not true. Look, dont let any personal feelings towards Trump colour your judgment. The Iran problem would happen no matter who the president is.

Look at the president as a puppet of the businesses that actually run America. He has very little real power.

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53 minutes ago, BobOfRoth said:

Not true. Look, dont let any personal feelings towards Trump colour your judgment. The Iran problem would happen no matter who the president is.

Look at the president as a puppet of the businesses that actually run America. He has very little real power.

so why didnt it happen in  2017? 18? 19?


but has in his election year?

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