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The US / Iran war...

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3 hours ago, BobOfRoth said:

Very sad but very true.

But then we are talking about a country that has been at war for something like 220 out of 240 years. (I forget the precise numbers but its close) and a country who spends more on war than the next half dozen countries combined.  America is a violent nation, always has been always will be no matter who is in charge.

The country was founded with violence to take others lands, as part of their "manifest destiny".  I did not know much about their colonisation of the north America, but watching a series about it now I am finding it shocking how they dispossessed the natives of their land (and unlike the Germans they don't seem to feel much remorse about their recent past).

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3 minutes ago, lottiecass said:

Worrying though mel, another war starting.

Yet we still have no proof of anything he was meant to have been planning, these attacks. Trump just says...He was a monster



sounds very much like Iraq all over again, wasnt Saddam a "monster"

Edited by melthebell
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2 hours ago, nightrider said:

The country was founded with violence to take others lands, as part of their "manifest destiny".  I did not know much about their colonisation of the north America, but watching a series about it now I am finding it shocking how they dispossessed the natives of their land (and unlike the Germans they don't seem to feel much remorse about their recent past).

What was the series please?

2 hours ago, lottiecass said:

Looks like Iran is going to be bombed soon, breaking news says us and uk bases have just been attacked , from the daily mail. No report of casualties.

America needs to be stopped!!

They are a vile regime of warmongers and murderers.

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Iran has launched ballistic missiles at iraqi bases.


Update 1 - now hearing these missiles are confirmed fired from Iranian territory
Update 2 - now hearing Erbil was hit as well not confirmed
Update 3 - IRGC statement: "We warn all allied countries of the US that if attacks are launched from bases in their countries on Iran, they will be a target of military retaliation."
Update 4 - Us source “Under missile attack from Iran. These are either cruise missiles or short range ballistic missiles. All over the country.”
Update 5 - IRGC "We call on Americans to recall all their soldiers back home to prevent more damage." Attacks were timed around 1.20 am exact same time Soleimani was killed
Update 6 - reports that US airplanes have taken off from UAE. IRGC has already warned that if US launches attacks from UAE then UAE becomes legitimate target for retaliation. Fire and Fury coming down on Iran shortly
Update 7 - "Statement of IRCG: rough translation "In no way does the Zionist regime in these crimes apart from the American criminal regime" - Looks like Iran trying to get Israel involved too. I expect Irans nuclear facilities to be bombed by the morning
Update 8 - Norwegian military confirms "several strikes hit" al-Asad and states no reports of hurt Norwegians. 70 stationed there.
Update 9 - Some news sources report that 80 US troops were killed by the IRGC missiles. US sources: 35 missiles fired at al-Assad base - I'm guessing 80 isn't accurate as all legit news agencies say 13 missiles not 35. just posting stuff i see everything unconfirmed until you hear it from DOD. Update 10 - US Warplanes have taken flight from Al-Dhafra and Incirlik Airbases in the United Arab Emirates and Turkey. I dont see Iran bombing Turkey that would be suicide...more than it already is.
Update 11- media close to IRGC has already stated that revenge will not be limited to one action, not be limited geographically, must have strategic result
Update 12 -"If the United States attacks a part of Iran, the Second Wave of missile strikes will begin" - Assume this is already going to happen as the US has launched a counterstrike on Iran from multiple bases
Update 13- Immediate //// The second wave of Iranian missile attacks on US bases begins
Update 14 - Somebody saying iran hacked a US drone to oversee the missile strikes, not sure if its true. Drone reported crashed and US destroyed second UAV. Report american jet on fire at the airbase.
Update 15 - Al-Mayadeen sources in Iraq claim some planes/hardware are burning inside U.S base which came under attack
Update 16 - No Danish soldiers injured: Danish Armed Forces. someone said no damage at Erbil Update 17 - Somebody said the base holds 4000 troops.
Update 18 - Iranian jets in the air. Some missiles fell in Iranian territory and didnt reach the Iraqi base
Update 19 - Video of 5 missiles from an Iraqi just outside the base https://streamable.com/vs4fv
Update 20 - There are casualties among the Iraqis at Ain al-Asad airbase following the attack early Wednesday local time, an Iraqi security source tells CNN.
Update 21 - Lebanon is reportedly dark. Electricity was cut everywhere.
Update 22 - The Iraqi PMF announces the start of the "overwhelming response" military operation.
Update 23 - CNN: preparations being made for Trump to address the nation Update 24 - Lots of reports that the Iranian Air Force is now in Iraqi airspace.
Update 25 - Iranian missile attack resulted in casualties among Iraqis only — Pentagon -  apparently they only killed their allies the Iraqi's - Not confirmed yet
Update 27 - Iran threatens that Hezbollah will strike Israel if US retaliates, Iran's state-linked media Tasnim reports. NBC - Iran is warning that if there is retaliation for the two waves of attacks they launched their 3rd wave will destroy Dubai and Haifa.

Update 28 - FOX News has learned there are “no U.S. casualties” from Iran’s missile strike targeting American forces in Iraq, a U.S. military official in Baghdad tells Fox News. The U.S. military’s damage assessment continues, the official added.

Update 29 - Iranian planes in the air likely to avoid being destroyed on the ground I don't think they went to Iraq.


Fire and fury on the way I suspect. The Iranian regime has been threatening to destroy the USA and Israel, every day for 40 years now.

They dare not hit UAE because Saudi Arabia, UAE and the Peninsula Shield Force (+ Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman) will join forces with Israel and the USA. Iran has zero allies.



Edited by XXTickerXX
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Iranian planes in the air likely to avoid being destroyed on the ground I don't think they went to Iraq.


Reports that the U.S air force is currently hitting targets around ain Al Assad base of backed Iranian militia PMU and kataib Hezbollah. Which stopped the ground attack on the base by the Iranian back militias. The U.S forces are routing the PMU.


I think this maybe a ceremonial attack to save face for the Iranian regime. They can tell their followers they have killed many Americans whilst none may have been harmed.


The only problem being if there is any US or coalition casualties on the air base attack. They are used to missiles flying back and forth on a daily basis. I think any response by the US will be limited as they have to respond in some way. They can't not respond in some form.


Iran Tasnim News Agency reported: "We've been informed that US helicopters are evacuating the wounded and killed personnel from Ain Assad" - likely propaganda. "missiles were tracked by radar, allowing personnel at the base to take cover before they hit", dod officials say


Whitehouse says no additional written statements tonight and Pence, Pompeo etc have gone home to bed. If there was any US casualties I can't see that happening.


Would not be surprising if the missile launches were for show, aimed slightly off, or had reduced payloads, etc. Regime wants and needs to save face but knows it can't actually escalate against US.

Edited by XXTickerXX
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