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The US / Iran war...

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16 minutes ago, BobOfRoth said:

Youre wasting your time mate. Some people prefer to stick to their bigoted and inaccurate view no matter how wrong it is. 

Yes youre right mainly Shia Muslims thats there right in religion but why are they in this country if its so marvelous over there. They threw us out time we did like wise


Edited by spider1
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6 hours ago, L00b said:

Far from the rabble-rousing headlines and monochromatic/simplistic viewpoints and debate...


...once you consider the actual strike accuracy of Iranian missiles, relative to prior intelligence-based estimates, Iran arguably played a geopolitical blinder with those victimless strikes, besides gaining tons of technical validation for their missile R&D.


Rest assured that a fair few people learned a lot from that. Including in the Pentagon, I bet. Now, whether that explains the deescalation, or is only inviting more trouble very soon...



Last I heard they shot an airliner from the sky.


Does anyone think this was not a surface to air missile.



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1 hour ago, XXTickerXX said:



Last I heard they shot an airliner from the sky.


Does anyone think this was not a surface to air missile.


Are any fans of Donald Trump actually waiting for some evidence?

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1 hour ago, XXTickerXX said:

Last I heard they shot an airliner from the sky.


Iran Air Flight 655 was a scheduled passenger flight from Tehran to Dubai via Bandar Abbas, that was shot down on 3 July 1988 by an SM-2MR surface-to-air missile fired from USS Vincennes, a guided missile cruiser of the United States Navy.

Just an accident, it could happen to anyone that is trigger happy.

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1 hour ago, El Cid said:

Iran Air Flight 655 was a scheduled passenger flight from Tehran to Dubai via Bandar Abbas, that was shot down on 3 July 1988 by an SM-2MR surface-to-air missile fired from USS Vincennes, a guided missile cruiser of the United States Navy.

Just an accident, it could happen to anyone that is trigger happy.


Yes anyone who can shoot down a civilian airliner above their own capital in the midst of launching ballistic missiles as an aggressive action against another country. Happens to everyone!!! it's just an accident!!

It's no accident when you activate your air defenses and they can't even tell which planes are in the sky. They would end up shooting down half their own air force.


An accident is when you trip up, not shoot an airliner out of the sky using surface to air missiles. This are the same army the left are decrying as suppressed and they should be allowed to have nuclear weapons because they are so competent with normal ones. Let's not even start the questions of why civilian airlines are allowed to fly in the midst of a high alert with active air defenses unless they were actively trying to get important people out of the country.


Too bad innocent people have died with weapons bought by money that Obama gave them.


You will be telling me the 542 drone strikes that Obama authorized that killed an estimated 3,797 people, including 324 civilians were Trumps fault as well I'm sure. Thanks Obama.



Imagine being you and the first thing you can think of is "how can I blame America for this" and not a regime that had just murdered 1500 people a month ago because they protested against the government. I can't even....


The people dancing in the streets of Middle Eastern cities on September 11, 2001 celebrating and the average leftist have become indistinguishable these days.


Iran is to blame and solely Iran for this borderline terrorist act. And the Elite Republican Guard was supposed to be manning these batteries which are their "best forces". No wonder they are refusing to hand over the black boxes and are already bulldozing the crash site. If their elite are that incompetent imagine how bad the regulars are.


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6 hours ago, XXTickerXX said:


Yes anyone who can shoot down a civilian airliner above their own capital in the midst of launching ballistic missiles as an aggressive action against another country. Happens to everyone!!! it's just an accident!!

It's no accident when you activate your air defenses and they can't even tell which planes are in the sky. They would end up shooting down half their own air force.


An accident is when you trip up, not shoot an airliner out of the sky using surface to air missiles. This are the same army the left are decrying as suppressed and they should be allowed to have nuclear weapons because they are so competent with normal ones. Let's not even start the questions of why civilian airlines are allowed to fly in the midst of a high alert with active air defenses unless they were actively trying to get important people out of the country.


Too bad innocent people have died with weapons bought by money that Obama gave them.


You will be telling me the 542 drone strikes that Obama authorized that killed an estimated 3,797 people, including 324 civilians were Trumps fault as well I'm sure. Thanks Obama.



Imagine being you and the first thing you can think of is "how can I blame America for this" and not a regime that had just murdered 1500 people a month ago because they protested against the government. I can't even....


The people dancing in the streets of Middle Eastern cities on September 11, 2001 celebrating and the average leftist have become indistinguishable these days.


Iran is to blame and solely Iran for this borderline terrorist act. And the Elite Republican Guard was supposed to be manning these batteries which are their "best forces". No wonder they are refusing to hand over the black boxes and are already bulldozing the crash site. If their elite are that incompetent imagine how bad the regulars are.


Why do you hate Iran?

Why do you hate Obama?

Why do you love Trump?

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41 minutes ago, Halibut said:

Why do you hate Iran?

Why do you hate Obama?

Why do you love Trump?

Why do you hate Iran? They murder there own citizens, oppress and assault women and kill gay people by law. They fund terror groups across the region. The regime will lose power soon.


Why do you hate Obama? I don't hate Obama. He is made out to be some kind of lord and savior by the left who takes credit for anything that Trump gets done. It just isn't true. The career politicians who have done nothing for decades are trying to get elected on things they promise to do but have done nothing for decades in the past. The reason they hate Trump is he does not have to care about a political career and has upset the power apple-cart in Washington so badly they have no idea what to do. Hence the Russian collusion hoax and Ukrainian hoax and sham impeachment that will go nowhere. Trump has been in politics for 3 years and is running in 2020 based off his accomplishments. Joe Biden has been in politics for over 40 years and is running in 2020 based off what he wants to accomplish. Trump is not a politician and he does it for free and takes no wages. He's a problem solver, and he is making it look simple and making them fools in the past.


Why do you love Trump? Why you not respect this....




He does what he says he is going to do unlike most career politicians. And he can't be bought. He is the first president in history to lose wealth in office all whilst doing it for free. People think he plays to base but he doesn't. He has been saying the same thing for decades. It's funny how everyone loved trump until the moment he ran for president.



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16 hours ago, El Cid said:

Iran Air Flight 655 was a scheduled passenger flight from Tehran to Dubai via Bandar Abbas, that was shot down on 3 July 1988 by an SM-2MR surface-to-air missile fired from USS Vincennes, a guided missile cruiser of the United States Navy.

Just an accident, it could happen to anyone that is trigger happy.

you need to understand the US shot down that  airliner  because of two reasons.


the iranians had been flying in close formation with airliners in order to hide in their  radar shadow and this particular one did not respond to multiple radio calls from the us ship and continued staight  towards the   the ship the US had no choice but to shoot down a probable threat. "it wasn't an accident"

Edited by frigate
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