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When to go to A+E (Big toe) It’s gout!!

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31 minutes ago, I1L2T3 said:

Could be genetic. Or just getting older and maybe the kidneys aren’t as good as they used to be.


I suffered with it in my 40s. A simple prescription of just one tablet a day changed my life. No attacks for years.


And yes it is excruciatingly painful. You have to have experienced it to understand. At the height of my issues I could go from being able to run 20 miles one day to having to crawl to the toilet the next.


Good luck. Your GP is your friend!!!

Allopurinol is the daily tablet or there is Naproxen  or even Diclofenac which  over 50 yrs of age are not alloweg because of side affects like strokes ect typical because they are fastest gout relief tablet.  I have a pint of water each morning and it seems to keep gout away even tho I have the said Tablets on stand by in my cupboard.  When you have a bad toothache you can have your tooth removed. When you have ten times worse gout in your foot/feet or hands you cant have the the said limbs removed but wish you could at the time when gout is fully blown.  All you gouters out there explain how hard it is to sleep when gout is in action.  :gag:

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Try Black Cherries (when in season) or Cherry capsules or Cherry Juice concentrate.   These certainly work for me and they are natural rather than 'concocted' tablets with possible side affects.


As Presley says, you can't really have the problematic limb removed but a saw becomes mighty tempting when gout flares up in the middle of the night.


Hope you get it sorted, I know the agony you will be going through

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Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but once you've had it, you'll keep getting it

and ignore all the comments about red meat & alcohol, it's different for everyone... a fella at work gets it & one of his triggers is honey!

I've never been able to isolate what caused mine


get on allopurinol, I've been taking them nearly 2 years & apart from at the start - when my system was adjusting - I haven't had a flare up since

It's one a day (after food) & the benefit of that is that it has forced me to make sure I have some food first thing in the morning & there are other health benefits with having a nutritious breakfast too, like not feeling hungry mid-morning & nibbling on crap


naproxen is the standard medication, but it takes a while to get to grips with it as it's only an anti-inflammatory, so you may need additional pain relief as well

I've found codeine phosphate the only thing to combat the pain, cocodamol's at a push but I'd go for the branded Solpadine Max (red tablets) rather than basic ones, as there's more codeine in them

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19 minutes ago, dars35 said:

naproxen is the standard medication

get on allopurinol, I've been taking them nearly 2 years & apart from at the start - when my system was adjusting - I haven't had a flare up since

I have been taking ibuprophen as they are very similar and in the same class of anti inflammatories.

The nurse mentioned a tablet, but said the side-effects were unpleasant.

I am have a blood test once things have settled down, in four weeks.

Edited by El Cid
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57 minutes ago, Phili Buster said:

Try Black Cherries (when in season) or Cherry capsules or Cherry Juice concentrate.   These certainly work for me and they are natural rather than 'concocted' tablets with possible side affects.


As Presley says, you can't really have the problematic limb removed but a saw becomes mighty tempting when gout flares up in the middle of the night.


Hope you get it sorted, I know the agony you will be going through

Thankyou but Im keeping  gout at bay at the mo infact for quite a while because the pint of water every morning and drinking water at times through the day.  But like I mentioned I always have tablets on stand by just incase of an attack.  P.S,  if anyone doesn't have Naproxen ect, Ibuprophane  will ease the pain but you have to take more at instructed intervels.  Because they are not as strong as the Prescribed tablets.  Like I say its better to have Ibu in the cupboard they will help untill you get the appropiate tablets. :thumbsup:

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2 hours ago, KateH said:

Often triggered by a certain food, my husband's downfall is yeast, so beer and Twiglets! Also an overindulgence in what would seem to be healthy things like grapes.

Yes diet can be a trigger but not the only one. Shellfish used to cause me problems. Yeasty things too like Bovril.


Theres other surprising triggers: stress, dehydration, joint injuries

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1 hour ago, El Cid said:


I have been taking ibuprophen as they are very similar and in the same class of anti inflammatories.

The nurse mentioned a tablet, but said the side-effects were unpleasant.

I am have a blood test once things have settled down, in four weeks.

Brufen did nothing for me. Completely ineffective. Naproxen was the only pain relief that helped but since I’ve had no attacks I haven’t had to use that for years.


A word of caution about people trying to treat this themselves using cherry juice etc... It can work but you’ve no way of knowing for sure - the damage from gout can be cumulative and hidden. The only way to be sure is to get your levels checked and get a prescription if needed.


Im not one for going to the GP but given how treatable gout is like I said earlier the GP really is your friend.

Edited by I1L2T3
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1 hour ago, PRESLEY said:

Thankyou but Im keeping  gout at bay at the mo infact for quite a while because the pint of water every morning and drinking water at times through the day.  But like I mentioned I always have tablets on stand by just incase of an attack.  P.S,  if anyone doesn't have Naproxen ect, Ibuprophane  will ease the pain but you have to take more at instructed intervels.  Because they are not as strong as the Prescribed tablets.  Like I say its better to have Ibu in the cupboard they will help untill you get the appropiate tablets. :thumbsup:

Correct. Ibuprofen is your anti-inflammatory and painkiller and Allopurinol is your proven Gout drug . 

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4 hours ago, PRESLEY said:

Thankyou but Im keeping  gout at bay at the mo infact for quite a while because the pint of water every morning and drinking water at times through the day.


Dehydration is the only factor which I believe could have been a factor. It happened at around 6pm, after working since 2pm, I tend not to drink when I am at work driving, because now that I am older toilets are further apart.


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