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Getting Fit

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I am looking for different ways to get fit and lose weight, I have tried a few times but i now need to focus, i have a massive year ahead of me and i need to be healthy and fit.


I have spoken to a couple of Personal Trainers and as money is quite tight they have made it quite clear they are not interested ( i wanted to do 1 session per month with them and have a routine i can do at the gym or home for the month till my next appointment)


Does anyone here have an ideas of what i can do to get this moving.





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There's an app that will put together workout routines for you.  It has a free trial, but then there's a fee.




I've not used it, and have no idea how the costs are, but if you can't find anything else, it might be worth experimenting with the free trial.


If you decide you want to sign up for the paid service, you can use a codeword from Dan Savage's podcast when you sign up: SAVAGE


FYI, the podcast is a great listen, but it is a relationship advice program that veers toward the racy and unconventional. Shouldn't matter for the discount code though.

P.S. Good luck with the fitness regime. Getting started is the hardest part. Let us know how it goes,  a lot of us could use the inspiration.

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30 minutes ago, jane91 said:

hi, thank you, i will have a look,  its a long road but i am determined to get fit

It's not rocket science Jane. Have a look at "my fitness pal", for control of your diet and calorie intake. It's free to join. You enter your weight and target weight and it will give you your total calories to consume per day. It worked great for me, they have something like 10,000,000 products in their database so you just click on what you've eaten and it adds it into your daily food and tots up the calories, takes a bit of getting used too but it's not that difficult. You enter your weight on a weekly basis (well I did but you can update whenever you want) and it produces a graph which illustrates how your weight has fluctuated since you joined, it sorted me out.

I also joined Pure Gym, that's £18.99 for a month and I'm loving it, good luck and let us know how you get on.

Oh, and don't be afraid of the gym if you are that much over weight and worried about people looking at you and making fun of you, they don't, nobody at the gym is the slightest bit interested in how you look, they're all there for the same thing.

Pure Gym has it's own personal trainers and you can book an hour whenever you want with them, one a year if you wish but if I was you i'd get the ball rolling with My Fitness Pal, join the Gym and start some exercising and pick up a trainer later on but you don't need one, just search online for the exercises you want. 

Feel free to PM me if you need more info.

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2 hours ago, jane91 said:


I am looking for different ways to get fit and lose weight, I have tried a few times but i now need to focus, i have a massive year ahead of me and i need to be healthy and fit.


I have spoken to a couple of Personal Trainers and as money is quite tight they have made it quite clear they are not interested ( i wanted to do 1 session per month with them and have a routine i can do at the gym or home for the month till my next appointment)


Does anyone here have an ideas of what i can do to get this moving.





There are two different goals here.  Fitness and weight, whilst obviously related need different focuses in order to change.

If you want to lose weight, then look specifically at diet control (don't "go on" a diet, just change your diet, permanently and forever to something you can sustain).  my fitness pal is very useful as the previous poster said.  But don't do anything short term or unsustainable.


Fitness on the other hand just requires regular exercise.  Which you'd think would help with weight loss (and technically does), but not that much.  For example, I just did a 5k run and spent 45 mins in the gym, total calories burned 600 (according to Garmin heart rate tracking).

Sounds like a fair amount, but that's only a little over a SINGLE snickers bar!  And the increased exercise makes you feel hungrier, so the tendency is amongst people who increase their activity levels to eat more, both because they are hungry and because they work hard in the gym and then feel like they deserve a 1000 calories of ice cream as a reward.

So, exercise for fitness, control your diet for weight loss.


Regarding exercise, you have to find something that you enjoy.  If you hate running then there's no way that you will keep up regular runs for the rest of your life (and that's the goal right, exercise isn't something you do and then stop, it's forever, like a puppy).

So find something that you enjoy, running, cycling, rowing, hiking, climbing, swimming, badminton, tennis, squash, keep fit classes, gym sessions, whatever it is, it has to be enjoyable and convenient for you.

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I think that is my issue along with the other half going on about me not doing any exercise, he works for himself and easily fits in walking the dogs (approx 10k a day) goes climbing and chills when he needs to where as i am in an office 40hrs a week and its stressful so the last thing i want to do is hit the gym

1 hour ago, Bash Street said:

It's not rocket science Jane. Have a look at "my fitness pal", for control of your diet and calorie intake. It's free to join. You enter your weight and target weight and it will give you your total calories to consume per day. It worked great for me, they have something like 10,000,000 products in their database so you just click on what you've eaten and it adds it into your daily food and tots up the calories, takes a bit of getting used too but it's not that difficult. You enter your weight on a weekly basis (well I did but you can update whenever you want) and it produces a graph which illustrates how your weight has fluctuated since you joined, it sorted me out.

I also joined Pure Gym, that's £18.99 for a month and I'm loving it, good luck and let us know how you get on.

Oh, and don't be afraid of the gym if you are that much over weight and worried about people looking at you and making fun of you, they don't, nobody at the gym is the slightest bit interested in how you look, they're all there for the same thing.

Pure Gym has it's own personal trainers and you can book an hour whenever you want with them, one a year if you wish but if I was you i'd get the ball rolling with My Fitness Pal, join the Gym and start some exercising and pick up a trainer later on but you don't need one, just search online for the exercises you want. 

Feel free to PM me if you need more info.

I've just spoken to the guys at pure gym and its all private hire of PT's, the ones ive spoken to wont do anything unless its twice a week and i cant afford that

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Going to the gym should be an opportunity to destress, it shouldn't create it.  But if it does, then find a different form of exercise.

Perhaps walk for an hour at lunch as a start?  That's a good few miles a day if you do it everyday.

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So when you say "getting fit" what did you have in mind?  Do you want to be stronger, faster, able to leap tall buildings (joke).  Or are you actually mostly concerned about your size and shape?  In which case, look more closely at dietary changes rather than trying to squeeze in more exercise.

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Where abouts are you?

Firehouse fitness do 2 week freebies

Which can include a small group PT (personal training) - small group as in 4 people so not a huge class. 

2 weeks will get you moving and motivated and then talk to them about retaining group PT afterwards and classes or do it yourself.

Edited by willman
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