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Outdoor swimming/bathing opportunities in Sheffield.

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If they made an heated open air pool. Not turning the heat on till winter time and a Wimbledon centre court style closing roof. There you go. Problem solved.:hihi:


That's more what I had in mind.


If you go to Iceland, their thermal pools are open all year round. Get out of the heated pool and into the snow.... (not my idea of fun mind you.)


Anyone know if Langold Lake is still open for swimming?

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That's more what I had in mind.


If you go to Iceland, their thermal pools are open all year round. Get out of the heated pool and into the snow.... (not my idea of fun mind you.)


Anyone know if Langold Lake is still open for swimming?


I went to Iceland the other day. It was full of freezers. :hihi:

Edited by PRESLEY
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Perhaps you should do a bit of research to find out why the UKs passion for swimming is waning, and why the many outdoor lidos and pools have closed since the 60s and 70s. What works for other countries doesn't work here. I thought you'd have at least figured that out


I think what killed the outdoor pool in the 60's and 70's was the same thing that hit the British seaside holiday - the advent of cheap flights to the Med. That trend has been pretty much reversing this last decade or so, and there has been a resurgence of interest in lidos. See for example this article in The Guardian (other quality papers are available):




Whilst I wouldn't say that Sheffield could economically sustain SIX outdoor pools, I would be very surprised if at least one, heated outdoor pool wasn't a popular destination in the city. Yes, it would be massively oversubscribed during the sunny weather, but I'm sure there are a hardcore of training triathalon and open water swimmers (another growth area), plus genuine aficionados who would keep it going through the cooler months.

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Brilliant idea I'd support.




It's simply a matter of two things imo.


1. Money.


2. Location.


Who's gonna pay for it and where's it gonna go?


Unlikely the council could or would want to afford it imo. Stick it in any location around the city and it will cost to reach it by public transport for someone, which adds to the admission cost for them. A lane swim in Ponds Forge costs me the best part of £10 with bus fares now.


An outdoor pool to be viable would have to be a fair size. I can't think of any reasonable location that has a piece of land large enough - that isn't already used - to host it. Any ideas?


And is the need/interest really there when the council have closed more pools than are left open iirc?

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Every town including many lot smaller than Sheffield I lived in had outdoor swimming pool. Never seen one in Sheffield, Heathersage doesn't count, that is Derbyshire.


I'll repeat what I posted, seeing as how you ignored it:


Perhaps you should do a bit of research to find out why the UKs passion for swimming is waning, and why the many outdoor lidos and pools have closed since the 60s and 70s.


What works for other countries doesn't work here. I thought you'd have at least figured that out.



but I'm sure there are a hardcore of training triathalon and open water swimmers (another growth area), plus genuine aficionados who would keep it going through the cooler months.


They train at Harthill reservoir, all year round.

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There are many many holes in the ground dug for fishing around South Yorkshire- arguably more than any where else in the country. If there was such demand for open air swimming at least one enterprising fishery owner would flog all his fish and buy a rubber ring and a diving board.


That fact they haven't and the fact some older man made ponds which were dual use back in the day are now exclusively for fishing says it all.


That said, come the next round of cuts and when a leisure centre, library or social services get cut, I'll link to this thread and we'll all have a good laugh.

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Remember in the late sixties early seventies spending all summer holidays at the lido mill houses,when we had proper summers lasting weeks.

Does anyone remember wearing rosary beads as a fashion accessory with our bikinis and hippy bells round our necks?oh how I long for those days again!


Yes I remember those long hot days and changing out of the bikini into the kaftan and walking barefoot finding flowers to put in our hair. 14 years old with no hope of ever physically getting to San Francisco but the concept was dear to our hearts. Fond memories:)

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Yes I remember those long hot days and changing out of the bikini into the kaftan and walking barefoot finding flowers to put in our hair. 14 years old with no hope of ever physically getting to San Francisco but the concept was dear to our hearts. Fond memories:)


Listening to Jimmy Saville on Radio 1 playing Gary Glitter songs, then rush home and watch It's a Knockout with Stuart Hall on TV. The good old days.

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