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Glastonbury - Environmentally Hypocritical?

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1 hour ago, Bash Street said:

I can explain it to you, which I have, but I can't understand it for you. I clear up after myself, I try not to drop any rubbish anywhere but when I do, I pick it up.

And neither do the vast amount of people who attend Glastonbury every year.

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3 hours ago, Bash Street said:

It's the old do as I say not as I do culture from the snowflakes, which we are being exposed to time and again. I blame the parents.

You forgot to mention one-legged vegan LGBT activists. 


I blame the Daily Mail.

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4 hours ago, Bash Street said:

It's the old do as I say not as I do culture from the snowflakes, which we are being exposed to time and again. I blame the parents.

If that's the only thing I had to complain about, I'd consider myself fortunate.

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7 hours ago, lil-minx92 said:

Imagine the  environmental cost of putting Glastonbury (or any big festival) on..

All the infrastructure shipped to the site for 3 days, then shipped back

200,000 people driving to the site and back

1000's of acts jetting in from all around the world for a one hour set.

All for a bit of hedonistic entertainment for us selfish humans...

It would be interesting to know the carbon emissions one Glastonbury Festival creates...

Amazing festival though!

In terms of car journeys and plane miles I suspect it doesn't have as significant an effect as you presume it does. Those 200,000 people would mostly have been travelling in their cars or on buses anyway as part of their normal daily lives. And since most people don't go to Glastonbury alone they'll almost certainly have shared a car or whatever. While they're at Glastonbury they're not at home using electricity or gas so you can offset some more of the environmental cost.


As for the acts, very few of them will have travelled from outside the UK and those that did were likely touring anyway. And even if they did only the biggest acts would have done so via flights that weren't already scheduled to fly anyway therefore most of the carbon emissions would have existed regardless of the festival.


Anyway, all you're basically doing to being critical of something making an effort to have less of an environmental impact that they would have had if they didn't make the effort which doesn't sound much like someone who actually care about the environment.

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2 hours ago, melthebell said:

the original point of the op wasnt just about rubbish, it was about everything ecological, and i agree, the only way to stop completely is go back to living in caves, living off the land like out ancesters did

Oh please, get real.

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4 hours ago, Bash Street said:


I’ve been to Glastonbury several times over the last 30 years and it’s always been the same. It’s all on private land which is restored back to a working farm within weeks of the end of the festival. Even when I first went the environment angle was a massive aspect of it and that has never changed. Even the smallest details like avoiding pee-ing into hedgerows is covered because of the damage that causes.


If you think about it logically then based on your argument the site would be an ecological wasteland because of all the damage caused. It’s very much the opposite.


Don’t believe everything you read in the Faily Mail.

5 hours ago, Bash Street said:

I can explain it to you, which I have, but I can't understand it for you. I clear up after myself, I try not to drop any rubbish anywhere but when I do, I pick it up.

No you can’t because you’ve probably never been to a big festival. You don’t understand how they operate.

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5 hours ago, Lex Luthor said:

Damn.  I missed them. Which stage did they play? 


11 hours ago, Mister M said:

If that's the only thing I had to complain about, I'd consider myself fortunate.

Here we go, another one whose problems are someone else's fault, go on then, let's hear it.

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